Programming Video Education Lectures
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And btw, I have launched a new science site which currently has just cool science/technology/education video clips but later will also have much, much more free education stuff. The site is here: Free Science Lectures and Education
The JavaScript Programming Language (by Douglas Crockford)
Yahoo! JavaScript Architect Douglas Crockford provides a comprehensive introduction to the JavaScript Programming Language in this four-part video:
- JavaScript Video Lecture Part I (Yahoo Video)
JavaScript, aka Mocha, aka LiveScript, aka JScript, aka ECMAScript, is one of the world's most popular programming languages. Virtually every personal computer in the world has at least one JavaScript interpreter installed on it and in active use. JavaScript's popularity is due entirely to its role as the scripting language of the WWW. Despite its popularity, few know that JavaScript is a very nice dynamic object-oriented general-purpose programming language. How can this be a secret? Why is this language so misunderstood? - JavaScript Video Lecture Part II
JavaScript's C-like syntax, including curly braces and the clunky for statement, makes it appear to be an ordinary procedural language. This is misleading because JavaScript has more in common with functional languages like Lisp or Scheme than with C or Java. It has arrays instead of lists and objects instead of property lists. Functions are first class. It has closures. You get lambdas without having to balance all those parens. - JavaScript Video Lecture Part III
Nearly all of the books about JavaScript are quite awful. They contain errors, poor examples, and promote bad practices. Important features of the language are often explained poorly, or left out entirely. I have reviewed dozens of JavaScript books, and I can only recommend one: JavaScript: The Definitive Guide (5th Edition) by David Flanagan. - JavaScript Video Lecture Part IV
Most of the people writing in JavaScript are not programmers. They lack the training and discipline to write good programs. JavaScript has so much expressive power that they are able to do useful things in it, anyway. This has given JavaScript a reputation of being strictly for the amateurs, that it is not suitable for professional programming. This is simply not the case. - Lecture Slides (zipped pdf)
Advanced JavaScript (by Douglas Crockford)
Yahoo! JavaScript Architect Douglas Crockford lectures on the nuances of the JavaScript programming language in this three-part video:
- Advanced JS Part I (Yahoo Video)
Douglas Crockford teaches "Advanced JavaScript." This course is broken into three clips; this is the first of those three clips. Note that when Douglas begins the talk referring to the "third installment", he's referring to "Advanced JavaScript" being the third class in a series; this is indeed the first of the three clips comprising the "Advanced JavaScript" class. - Advanced JS Part II
No programming language is perfect. JavaScript has its share of design errors, such as the overloading of + to mean both addition and concatenation with type coercion, and the error-prone with statement should be avoided. The reserved word policies are much too strict. Semicolon insertion was a huge mistake, as was the notation for literal regular expressions. These mistakes have led to programming errors, and called the design of the language as a whole into question. - Advanced JS Part III
The official specification for the language is published by ECMA. The specification is of extremely poor quality. It is difficult to read and very difficult to understand. This has been a contributor to the Bad Book problem because authors have been unable to use the standard document to improve their own understanding of the language. ECMA and the TC39 committee should be deeply embarrassed. - Lecture Slides
Advanced JavaScript with Libraries (by John Resig)
John Resig of Mozilla Corp., author of the popular JQuery JavaScript library, describes the role of libraries in the world of frontend engineering, the problems they solve, and the things we can learn from how developers use and think about libraries in their projects.
- Part I of the Lecture (Yahoo Video)
- Part II of the Lecture
Maintainable JavaScript (by Nicholas Zakas)
Nicholas Zakas is an engineer on the team that brings you My Yahoo!, one of the most popular personalized portals on the web. In this talk, Zakas focuses on some fundamental concepts in the world of frontend engineering with an eye toward making code more maintainable.
- Maintainable JavaScript Video Lecture (Yahoo Video)
An Inconvenient API: The Theory of the DOM [Document Object Model] (by Douglas Crockford)
Yahoo! JavaScript Architect Douglas Crockford discusses the nexus between JavaScript and the browser, exploring the history of the BOM and DOM APIs and their impact on frontend engineering today. This presentation is archived in three parts:
Welcome to FireBug 1.0 (by John Hewitt)
Joe Hewitt is a Mozilla developer who has written software dear to the heart of all web developers, including the original Mozilla DOM Inspector. Joe's newest Mozilla tool is Firebug, an integral logging and debugging extension for Firefox that sets a new standard for its category. Joe provided a power-user tour while announcing Firebug 1.0's release on January 25, 2007, at Yahoo!.
- Video Lecture on FireFox's Extension - FireBug (Yahoo Video)
New Features in the Next C++ Standard
- Video Lecture on the Next C++ Standard (Google Video)
Advanced Python (Or Understanding Python)
- Advanced Python Video Lecture (Google Video)
This talk is part of the Advanced Topics in Programming Languages series. The goal of this series is to encourage all of the people at Google who know and love programming languages to share their knowledge.
Python Design Patterns (by Alex Martelli)
- Design Patterns Part I
- Design Patterns Part II (Google Video)
Learning Java Programming - Video Tutorial
- Java Video Tutorial 1: Installing the Java Development Kit (YouTube video)
This tutorial is the first of a collection of basic java video tutorials that will get you started. In this tutorial you will learn how to install the JDK on a Windows XP machine. - Java Video Tutorial 2: Hello World
This video tutorial guides you through the basics of writing, compiling and running a simple program with some extra hints and tips along the way. - Java Video Tutorial 3.1: Variables and Arithmetic
Tutorial 3.1 will describe how to declare and assign variables in java as well as discussing the various data types. - Java Video Tutorial 3.2: Variables and Arithmetic
Tutorial 3.2 shows you how to perform simple arithmatic and display variables through an example program. - Java Video Tutorial 4: If Statements
This tutorial discusses: If statements, If else statements, Conditional operators. - Java Video Tutorial 5: Object Oriented Programming
This tutorial discusses the basic concepts of object oriented programming (OOP). This includes object behaviour and attributes aswell as constructors. - Java Video Tutorial 6: Loops
This tutorial will show you how to create while loops, do...while loops and for loops! - Java Video Tutorial 7: Switch Statement
In this tutorial you learn about switch statements. - Java Video Tutorial 8: Arrays
This tutorial shows you how to use arrays.
Delphi Training Series: Programming 101 (by 3DBuzz)
Ever wanted to become a programmer? The Delphi Training Series: Programming 101 is a sequence of training videos designed to teach the complete beginner how to become a programmer using Delphi.
- Dephi Programming Episode 1 (YouTube video)
In this episode, the viewer is shown where they can download the free Integrated Development Environment (IDE) known as Turbo Delphi, as well as how to get it installed and registered. Once launched the video will walk the viewer through the creation of their first simple program. - Dephi Programming Episode 2
- Dephi Programming Episode 3
Episode 3 explores simple game design! - Dephi Programming Episode 4
In this episode, the viewer is introduced to the concept of variables.
This video is the first in a mini-series aimed at the creation of your own MP3 player. - Dephi Programming Episode 5
In this episode, the viewer is exposed to the world of Procedures and Functions.
This video continues the series with focus on writing your own mp3 player. - Dephi Programming Episode 6
In this episode, the viewer is presented with lecture covering DLLs, handles, the BASS library, and all steps required to write the foundation of a simple MP3 player. - Dephi Programming Episode 7
- Dephi Programming Episode 8
In the eighth installment of the Delphi Training Series, we take a short break away from the MP3 player we were writing to introduce you to a new aspect of programming: The IF statement. - Dephi Programming Episode 9
The ninth episode of the Delphi Training Series is another theory-driven exploration, stepping away from the MP3 player to take a look at looping and how it works inside of Object Pascal.
Vim: 7 Habits For Effective Text Editing (by Bram Moolenaar)
- Vi Imporoved Video Lecture (Google Video)
Bonus Lecture this Month:
An Introduction to SQLite (by Richard Hipp)
SQLite is a small C library that implements a self-contained, embeddable, zero-configuration SQL database engine. SQLite implements a large subset of SQL-92 and stores a complete database in a single disk file. The library footprint is less than 250 KB making is suitable for use in embedded devices and applications where memory space is scarce.
This talk provides a quick overview of SQLite, its history, its strengths and weaknesses, and describes situations where it is much more useful than a traditional client/server database. The talk concludes with a discussion of the lessons learned from the development of SQLite and how those lessons can be applied to other projects.
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Labels: api, delphi, design patterns, dom, firebug, firefox, java, javascript, programming, python, sqlite, vim, yahoo
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Unknown, at Mon Jun 04, 10:14:00 PM 2007
The following site has many links to free lectures/videos:
kalopch, at Sun Jun 17, 06:24:00 AM 2007
A series of video lectures to go along with a book every computer scientist should read:
Anonymous, at Fri Jun 29, 02:24:00 AM 2007
A good link to add is this one on the F-Script programming language:
Anonymous, at Fri Jun 29, 09:54:00 AM 2007
I came across this site the other day with great Delphi tutorials for Word and Excel COM, encryption and many more..
Delphi Tutorials
They also give sample code to download which is great!
Anonymous, at Mon Jul 16, 12:37:00 PM 2007
Hi Peteris and others:
Do you know of good lecture on C programming (online with video and audio) ?
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Anonymous, at Tue Feb 12, 09:54:00 PM 2008
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Anonymous, at Sat Feb 16, 12:16:00 AM 2008
gr8 job...
Anonymous, at Mon Mar 31, 06:10:00 PM 2008
I think the urls for the javascript are incorrect. . They seem to be pointing to some other video. Although a yahoo video search of Douglas Crockford gives the proper urls. Can u update posting appropriately.
And thanks for the useful links !!
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Computer Science, at Sat Mar 14, 07:30:00 AM 2009
Thanks for the nice post.
Anupam, at Sat Mar 28, 06:15:00 AM 2009
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exitscarz, at Tue Aug 04, 06:42:00 PM 2009
Nice Materials!!
Thanks for information!!
computer programming, at Wed Jan 27, 12:54:00 PM 2010
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