Mathematics Video Lectures
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This time I have add more mathematics video lectures I had in my bookmarks.
The Practice of Mathematics
- Video Lectures and Lecture Notes (Duke University)
He shall try for a light touch including, in particular, some historical background. Nevertheless the lectures are to be about mathematics. In the first set, there will be geometrical constructions, simple algebraic equations, prime numbers, and perhaps an occasional integral. Every attempt will be made to explain the necessary notions clearly and simply, taking very little for granted except the good will of the audience.
The following and more seminar video lectures can be found at:
Applied Mathematics Seminars (Duke University)
Seminars Website
Seminars cover a broad range of topics including Numerical Analysis, Ordinary and Partial differential equations, Nonlinear systems, Scientific computing, Dynamical systems theory, Mathematical biology, Pattern formation, and Complex physical systems.
Spring 2001:
- Regular Reflection of Weak Shocks (Barbara Keyfitz)
- Spatiotemporal Chaos, Weak Turbulence, Solitonic Turbulence & Invariant Measures - Statistical Characterization of Nonlinear Waves (David Cai)
- Dissipative fluid systems and gradient flows (Karl Glasner)
- Resonances in Nonlinear Discrete Periodic Medium (Anna Georgieva)
- The Holyhedron Problem (Jade Vinson)
- Mathematical Problems in Meteorology and Oceanography (Roger Temam)
- Continuum Models of Granular Flow (Michael Shearer)
- Foreign Exchange Option Symmetry and a Coordinate-Free Description of a Foreign Exchang e Option Market (Valery A. Kholodnyi)
- Tubuloglomerular Feedback-Mediated Dynamics in Two Coupled Nephrons (Bruce Pitman)
- A Priori Bounds in Thermo-Viscoelasticity with Phase Transitions (Stephen J. Watson)
- Heated Jet Assimilation into External Streams (Graham Wilks)
- Low Energy Trajectories in Celestial Mechanics and Stability Transition Regions With Applications to Astronomy and Space Travel (Edward Belbruno)
- Singularity Formation in 3-D Vortex Sheets (Thomas Y. Hou)
- Microlensing and the Search for Extrasolar Planet (Scott Gaudi)
- L_1 Splines: Shape-Preserving, Multiscale, Piecewise Polynomial Geometric Modeling (John Lavery)
- Global Curvature, Ideal Knots and Models of DNA Self-Contact (Oscar Gonzales)
- Wave-driven Ocean Circulation (Juan M. Restrepo)
- Design of a Microphysiological Simulation Method Incorporating Hydrodynamics (Peter Kramer)
- Strong Pulse Interactions in Coupled Reaction-Diffusion Systems (Tasso J. Kaper)
- Estimating the Error of Numerical Solutions of Systems of Reaction-Diffusion Equations (Donald J. Estep)
- TBA (Peter Moore)
- TBA (Kirill Skouibine)
- Consuming, Grouping and Coexisting: Resource-Mediated Aggregation (Will Wilson)
- Boundary Effects in Controlled Rayleigh-Benard Convection (Laurens E. Howle)
- The Immersed Interface Method: A Numerical Approach for Interface Problems (Zhilin Li)
- Mathematics of Sea Ice (Ken Golden)
Geometry/Topology Seminars (Duke University)
Seminars Website
Topology seminars cover moduli spaces of algebraic curves, 3-manifolds, stratified spaces, real and complex algebraic varieties. Geometry seminars cover the geometry and arithmetic of algebraic varieties, the geometry of singularities, general relativity and gravitational lensing exterior differential systems, the geometry of PDE and conservation laws, geometric analysis and Lie groups, modular forms, control theory and Finsler geometry, and index theory.
Fall 2001:
- Yang-Mills theories and D-Branes on very small spaces (Paul Aspinwall)
- Arrangements and moduli spaces (Eduard Looijenga)
- Derived category automorphims from mirrorsymmetry (Paul Horja)
- Hodge structures on the cohomology of locally symmetric varieties (Arvind Nair)
- Einstein Metrics, Variational Problems, and Seiberg-Witten Theory (Claude LeBrun)
- On the converse theorem in the theory of Borcherds products (Jan Brunier)
- Perles at Bing's House -- Facet Subgraphs of Simple Polytopes (Christian Hasse)
- Beyond the Alexander polynomial (Lev Rozansky)
- Arithmetic and Geometry of Multiple Polylogarithms (Jianqiang Zhao)
- Lefschetz-type theorems for Chow Groups (Evangelos Mouroukos)
- The Motivic Fundamental Group (Matthew Cushman)
- Finiteness Conjectures for Unramified Extensions of Global Fields (Joshua Holden)
- Elliptic Units in K_2 groups (Ken-ichiro Kimura)
- Towards a category of Mixed Elliptic Motives (Owen Patashnick)
- Derived Categories of Twisted Sheaves (Andrei Caldararu)
- Computing Differential Galois Groups (Peter Berman)
- On Characteristic Numbers and Galois Cohomology (Markus Rost)
- Monodromy in Families of Abelian Varieties (Jeff Achter)
- On Topological Equivalence and the "Hartman-Grobman" Theorem for Control Systems (Jean-Baptiste Pomet)
- Small N 2D Gauge Theory and Small N Supersymmetry (Eva Silverstein)
- Gopakumar-Vafa Invariants of Moduli Spaces of Holomorphic Curves and Integrality (Sheldon Katz)
- The combinatorial Laplacian (Phil Hanlon)
- Holomorphic gerbes and field theory (Jean-Luc Brylinski)
- Integers in the Gromov-Witten theory of 3-folds (Pandharipande)
- Lefschetz Theorems for Degeneracy Loci (Olivier Debarre)
General Mathematics Lectures (Duke University)
Lectures Website
Spring 2002:
- Transport and Global Control of Deterministic and Stochastic Dynamical Systems (Eric Bollt)
- Drop breakup: asymmetric cones in viscous flow (Wendy Zhang)
- Singularities at the free surface of viscous fluids (Santiago Betelu)
- Ergodicity of Stochastically Forced PDEs (Jonathan Mattingly)
- Mirror Symmetry and Langlands Duality (Michael Thaddeus)
- Exponential Iterated Integrals and Solvable Completions of Fundamental Groups (Carl Miller)
- Microarrays and Computional Molecular Biology (Laurie Heyer)
- Approximating Conformal (Angle-Preserving) Flat Maps of Cortical Surfaces (Monica Hurdal)
- Quasi-local Mass and Black Holes in General Relativity (Hubert Bray)
- Random Perturbation of Partial Differential Equation (Eric Vanden Eijnden)
- The Mathematical Sciences-an NSF perspective (Philippe Tondeur)
- Random maps from Z2 to Z (Richard Kenyon)
- Non-linear Seminar Talk (Marty Golubitsky)
- The principle of functorialty: an elementary introduction (Jim Arthur)
- Airplane Collision Avoidance (Duke Mathematics Modeling Team)
- A Computational Approach to Determining Epistatic Effects Contributing to a Complex Quantitative Trait (Phil Hanlon)
KDI Seminars (Duke University)
Seminars Website
Lectures covering the special topic of the study of the intricate and little-understood complexities of how liquids flow through porous media such as geological formations.
Spring 2001:
- Bayesian Inversion in Petroleum Reservoir Evaluation with Focus on Production Forecasting (Henning Omre)
- Design and Analysis for an Inverse Problem Arising From an Advection-Dispersion Process (Max Morris)
- Bayesian Forecasting and Calibration for Complex Phenomena Using Multi-level Computer Codes (Allan Seheult)
- Sampling the Posterior Distribution for Reservoir Properties Conditional to Production Data (Dean Oliver)
- Aristotle, His Wife's Teeth and the Fate of Stochastic Modeling (George Christakos)
- TBA (Bob Behringer)
- TBA (Cass T. Miller)
- Boundary Effects in Controlled Rayleigh-Benard Convection (Laurens E. Howle)
- The Immersed Interface Method: A Numerical Approach for Interface Problems (Zhilin Li)
- Mathematics of Sea Ice (Ken Golden)
String Theory Seminars (Duke University)
Seminars Website
Lectures on String Theory from the Center for Geometry and Theoretical Physics.
Fall 2005:
- Z_4 orbifold limits of K3 and a family of smooth quartic K3s: A nonclassical duality (Katrin Wendland)
- Topological Correlators from the Coulomb Branch (Ilarion Melnikov)
- Some remarks about axions and other pseudoscalar particles (Raul Rabadan)
- Closed String Tachyon Dynamics (Albion Lawrence)
- On singular effective superpotentials in supersymmetric gauge theories (Mohammed Edalati)
- On Moduli Stabilisation in Calabi-Yau Flux Compactifications (Per Berglund)
- An index to count chiral primaries in N=1 d=4 SCFT's (Christian Romelsberger)
- Generalized Kahler geometry and T-duality (Marco Gualtieri)
- Geometric transitions with branes and flux (David Page)
- Elements of Topological M-Theory (Andy Neitzke)
- Flux compactifications and the hybrid formalism (Daniel Robbins)
- Supersymmetric Boundary Conditions for the N = 2 Sigma Model with Non-Abelian Gauge Fields (Sven Rinke)
- Worldsheet RG and target space time evolution (Albion Lawrence)
- Conformality and String Phenomenology (Paul Frampton)
- Counting flux vacua with special properties (Washington Taylor)
- Target Space in Minimal String Theory (David Shih)
- Towards a c-theorem in Four Dimensions (Brian Wecht)
- Non-Lagrangian A-branes and Mirror Symmetry (Paul Grange)
- The type IIB effective action, threebranes and instantons (Christian Stahn)
- LISA in the Sky with Dark Matter (Allan Adams)
- Observing the string: The cosmic matter-antimatter asymmetry from string theory an
d the universality of the Green-Schwarz mechanism (Stephon Alexander) - The Coulomb Branch in Gauged Linear Sigma Models (Ilarion Melnikov)
- Dual views of string impurities (Robert Duivenvoorden)
- Residues and world-sheet instantons (Christopher Beasley)
- del Pezzo, Markov and Seiberg (Christopher Herzog)
- Higher derivative terms in harmonic superspace (Philip Argyres)
- Geometric Constructions of Nongeometric String Theories (Brook Williams)
- Effective field theory on unstable branes (Brian Wecht)
- Linear sigma models for open strings, with applications (John McGreevy)
- Toric duality' is Seiberg duality (Ronen Plesser)
- Triples, Fluxes, and Strings (David Morrison)
- Linear Thinking in Perturbative String Theory (Simeon Hellerman)
- D-Branes, Mirror Symmetry and Counting Holomorphic Discs (Mina Aganagic)
- The ADHM Moduli Space and Light Cone Description of Open Membrane Theory (Micha Berkooz)
- M Theory, G_2 Holonomy spaces and N=1 Theories in Four Dimensions (Bobby Acharya)
- String Theory and Derived Categories (Paul Aspinwall)
- Mirror Symmetry and Noncommutative Geometry (Anton Kapustin)
- Low-Energy Physics of Warped Compactifications (Albion Lawrence)
- An analytical approach towards understanding the topology of crepant resolutions of Calabi-Yau orbifolds (Anda Degeratu)
- Elements of D-Geometry (Bartomeu Fiol)
- N=1 Gauge Theory and Warped Deformed Conifold (Igor Klebanov)
- Warped Compactifications on Calabi-Yau Fourfolds (Sergei Gukov)
- M theory and twisted K theory (Duiliu-Emanuel Diaconescu)
- The Zero-Brane as a Soliton (Shiraz Minwalla)
- A New Perspective on Calabi-Yau Geometry, II (David Morrison)
- A New Perspective on Calabi-Yau Geometry (David Morrison)
- Five Dimensions from Four: On Dimensional Transmogrification (Vijay Balasubramanian)
- Exp(n) (Rajesh Gopakumar)
- Dun with Supersymmetric Three-Cycles (Shamit Kachru)
- Compactifications with G-Flux (Savdeep Sethi)
- D-Branes on Calabi-Yau Threefolds (Albion Lawrence)
- Holomorphic gerbes and field theory (Jean-Luc Brylinski)
- Integers in the Gromov-Witten theory of 3-folds (Pandharipande)
- (unknown title) (Eva Silverstein)
- (unknown title) (Ofer Aharony)
- D-Branes and Asymmetric Orbifolds (Jeff Harvey)
- Conformal Nonsupersymmetric Gauge Theory in d=4 from AdSICFT Superstring Duality (Paul Frampton)
- Four-Manifolds, Symplectic Geometry, and Mirror Symmetry (Nikita Nekrasov)
- D-Branes and Discrete Torsion (Michael Douglas)
- N=2 Supersymmetric Fixed Points at Rank Two (Philip Argyres)
- Brane Configurations and Branes at Singularities (Angel Uranga)
- Holography and Spacetime Locality (Albion Lawrence)
- Constraints from Supersymmetry (Savdeep Sethi)
- Non-abelian Tensor-Multiplet Anomalies from M-Theory (Ruben Minasian)
- Bonus Symmetries of N=4 Super-Yang-Mills Correlation Functions via AdS Duality (Ken Intriligator)
- Strings in Flat Space (Shamit Kachru)
- Kähler Cone Substructure (Eric Sharpe)
- Large N Phases, Holography and Quantum Gravity (Clifford Johnson)
- Non-Spherical Horizons, II (David Morrison)
- Lie Groups, Calabi-Yau Threefolds and Anomalies (Paul Aspinwall)
- Conformal Field Theories from Branes at Singularities (Ronen Plesser)
- Non-Spherical Horizons, I (David Morrison)
Related posts:
- Mathematics Video Lectures
(Includes calculus, vector calculus, tensors, the most important concepts of mathematics, basic mathematics, numerical methods, p=np problem, randomness, fractals and splines and various lectures from advanced institute for study.)
Thanks for the links
Anonymous, at Thu Oct 19, 01:14:00 AM 2006
You're welcome!
Peter Krumins, at Thu Oct 19, 10:10:00 PM 2006 if only there was an electrical engineering post, id be super super amazed :)
Anonymous, at Tue Oct 31, 05:51:00 AM 2006
Guess what? I already have electrical engineering under "Engineering" video lectures.
See this link:
Peter Krumins, at Wed Nov 01, 12:15:00 AM 2006
Great work man..
I'm myself a computer engineering student from India and indeed these links are of a great use to me. Now, I only need Elementary Maths lectures (topics like Vectors, 3d Geometry, Complex Numbers) webcasted...ANY LINKS??
Rahul, at Sat Feb 10, 08:57:00 PM 2007
great job...
it would be great if there were some basic analysis and algebra courses, and topology for that matter...something like the Gil
Strang Lin Alg videos @ MIT...
athan scribner, at Fri May 25, 10:55:00 PM 2007
Amazing man!!! I dont have words to put my feelings. All I can say is that your collection is not complete without a lectures on COMPUTATIONAL COMPLEXITY THEORY :P since you yourself are a computer scientist. Thanks a ton.
Kshitiz Verma., at Fri Jul 06, 10:08:00 AM 2007
I am working on a math video help site. We have over 1500 free math video clips already. The number will reach to 2000 by Fall 2008. Take a look. Sincerely.
TuLyn Math Help Videos and Worksheets
nysphere, at Mon Aug 04, 11:37:00 PM 2008
It appears that the Duke video broadcasts have been moved to
Anonymous, at Sun Aug 02, 01:37:00 AM 2009
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