Chemistry, Biology and Life Sciences Lectures.
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Introduction to Solid State Chemistry
- Video Lectures: Course 3.091 (MIT)
- Course Website
Principles of Chemical Science
- Video Lectures: Course 5.111 (MIT)
- Course Website
Course covers:
Atomic Theory of Matter, Discovery of Nucleus, Wavelike Properties of Radiation, Particle-like Nature of Light, Matter As a Wave Problem, The Hydrogen Atom, Hydrogen Atom Wavefunctions Problem, P Orbitals, Electronic Structure of Multielectron Atoms, Periodic Trends in Elemental Properties Problem, Covalent Bonds, Lewis Diagrams, Breakdown of Octet Rule, Molecular Orbital Theory Problem, Valence Bond Theory and Hybridization, Hybridization and Chemical Bonding, Bond Energies / Bond Enthalpies Problem, Free Energy of Formation, Chemical Equilibrium, Acid-Base Equilibrium, Acid-Base Equilibrium: Titrations, Acid Base Titrations and Oxidation/Reduction, Oxidation/Reduction, Transition Metals, Transition Metals: Crystal Field Theory, The Shapes of Molecules: VSEPR Theory Problem, Transition Metals, Kinetics, Kinetics: Catalysis, Course Review
Principles of Chemical Science
- Video Lectures: Course 5.112 (MIT)
- Course Website
Introduction to Chemistry
- Video Lectures: Course Chem 1A (Berkeley)
- Course Website
Atoms, Molecules, Stoichiometry, Atomic Structure, Molecular Formulae, Reactions in Solution, Light waves, Absorption, Emission, Light, Particles, Photons, Matter: Particles/Waves, Quantum Particles in 1-Dimension, Quantum Mechanics: H Atom, QM Orbitals, Radiation and Matter, Many Electron Atoms, Spin, Pauli Principle, Electronic Configuration, Periodic Properties, Trends, Chemical Bonds, Lewis Structures, Covalent Bonding, Resonance, Oxidation Numbers, Formal Charge, Molecular Structure, VSEPR, Isomers, Colavent Bonding, Molecular Orbitals, Hybridization, Molecular Orbitals, Resonance, Ideal Gases, Kinetic Theory, Absolute Temperature, Real Gases, Phase Transitions, Thermodynamics: First Law, Thermochemistry, Enthalpy, Calorimetry, Human Thermochemsitry, Bond Energies, Entropy, Second Law, Free Energy, Direction of Change, Equilibrium, Mass Action, Equilibrium, Temperature, Le Chatelier, Free Energy, Equilibrium Constant, Heterogeneous Equilibrium, Strong Acids and Bases, Weak Acids and Bases, Titration of Weak Acids, Buffers, Indicators, Acid Strength, Amino Acids, Polyprotic Acids, Reduction Potentials, Galvanic Cells, Chemistry vs. Biochemistry, Nuclear and Radiochemistry, Nuclear and Radiochemistry, Nuclear Applications, UC Berkeley and the Actinides
Chemical Structure and Reactivity
- Video Lectures: Course Chem 3B (Berkeley)
Delocalized Pi Systems, Electronic Spectroscopy, Aromatic Compounds, Electrophilic Aromatic Substitution, Aldehydes, Ketones, No Webcast, Enols, Enones, Carboxylic Acids, Carboxylic Acid Derivatives and Mass Spectroscopy, Amines, Chemistry of Arenes, Diketones and Hydroxyketones, Carbohydrates, Heterocycles, Amino Acids, Peptides, and Proteins
Astrophysical Chemistry
- Lecture 1
Introduction: Overview of the Universe, its component parts e.g. galaxies, stars, planets etc.
Provided by The Vega Science Trust. - Lecture 2
Introduction to atomic and molecular spectroscopy, particularly rotational spectroscopy. Spectra from space.
Provided by The Vega Science Trust. - Lecture 3
The spectra of the interstellar medium: From nebulae, interstellar species, H 21cm radiation and the structure of our Milky Way Galaxy.
Provided by The Vega Science Trust. - Lecture 4
Origin of the elements and the formation of molecules in the interstellar medium: Big Bang synthesis, stellar synthesis of He and C and other elements, interstellar scattering, interstellar species such as carbon monoxide and more complex molecules.
Provided by The Vega Science Trust. - Lecture 5
The development of molecular radio astronomy and infra red techniques and the information they yield on the composition of the interstellar medium: interstellar clouds, stellar envelopes etc.
Provided by The Vega Science Trust. - Lecture 6
Optical (electronic) spectra from space: comets. The detection of the pulsar in the Crab Nebula. The Three Degree Background. The detection by spectroscopy of the birth of stars.
Provided by The Vega Science Trust. - Lecture 7
Electronic spectroscopy and Franck Condon factors. The discovery of the spectrum of H3+ in the laboratory and in the atmosphere of Jupiter. Interstellar chemistry: Ion molecule reactions in space, grain surface catalysed processes and reactions in circumstellar shell. Interstellar masers.
Provided by The Vega Science Trust. - Lecture 8
Radio astronomy - resolution issues. The detection of long carbon chain molecules by radio astronomy. The conjectures on the origin of the chains in space and their possible relationship with the Diffuse Interstellar Bands that initiated the experiments that uncovered the existence of the C60 molecule. C60 extraction and interstellar dust.
Provided by The Vega Science Trust. - Website
C60, the Celestial Sphere that Fell to Earth
- Lecture by Sir Harry Kroto (Sussex University)
Provided by The Vega Science Trust.
Introduction to Biology
- Video Lectures: Course 7.012 (MIT)
- Course Website
This MIT course is a fine alternative to classes from an online biology degree program and its free.
7.012 focuses on the exploration of current research in cell biology, immunology, neurobiology, genomics, and molecular medicine.
Introductory Biology (Audio Only)
- Audio Lectures: Course 7.013 (MIT)
- Course Website
7.013 focuses on the application of the fundamental principles toward an understanding of human biology. Topics include genetics, cell biology, molecular biology, disease (infectious agents, inherited diseases and cancer), developmental biology, neurobiology and evolution.
Introductory Biology
- Video Lectures: Course 7.014 (MIT)
- Course Website
7.014 focuses on the application of these fundamental principles, toward an understanding of microorganisms as geochemical agents responsible for the evolution and renewal of the biosphere and of their role in human health and disease.
General Biology
- Video Lectures: Course Bio 1A (Berkeley)
- Course Website
Life: An Overview; Basic Chemistry, redox, PH, Biopolymers: Carbohydrates, Lipids, Nucleic Acids, Protein Structure, Biological Membranes, Bacterial Cells; Animals Cells and Organelles, Energy, Thermodynamics and Enzymes 1, Enzymes 2, Metabolism I: ATP, Redox and Glycolysis, Metabolism II: TCA Cycle; Oxid, Phos., Photosynthesis: Light and Dark Reactions, Signaling, Genes to Proteins: An Overview, Techniques in Molecular Biology, Microbial Genetics and Evolution - Chromosomes, Plasmids, and Phage, DNA Replication and the PCR, Cell Cycle, Mitosis and Reproduction of Cells, Chromosomes, Checkpoints, and Cancer, Meiosis and Sexual Life Cycle, Gregor Mendel and Two of Biology's Three Laws, Recombination, Linkage and Mapping, Transcription, The Genetic Code and Traslation, Prokaryotic Gene Regulation, Eukaryotic Gene Expression and Regulation, Human Genetics and Epigenetics, GMOs and Organismal Cloning, Stem Cells and Aging, Midterm II, Multicellularity: Cell Shape and Function, Tissue Specialization, Homeostasis, Intercellular and Physiological Communication: Hormones, Receptors, and the Endocrine System, Reproductive System, Fertilization and Embryogenesis, Developmental Strategies and Mechanisms, Digestive System, Circulatory and Respiratory Systems, Immune System, Excretory System and Kidney Function, Nervous System, Cell and Tissue Dysfunction, Cancer and Experimental Stratefies to Develp Anti-Cancer Therapeutics, Bio-Engineered Animals and Models of Human Disease
General Biology Lab
- Video Lectures: Course Bio 1AL (Berkeley)
- Course Website
Safety, Equipment and Ligation, Transformation and Cells, Enzymes, Photosynthesis, Presidents Day, Genetics and Molecular Biology I, Genetics and Molecular Biology II, Invertebrates I, Question and Answer, Spring Break, Invertebrates II, Rat Anatomy, Reproduction and Development, Chordate Diversity
General Biology
- Video Lectures: Course Bio 1B (Berkeley)
- Course Website
Introduction/Fungi, Algae, Mosses, Lower Vascular Plants, Ferns and Gymnosperms, Angiosperms, Cells, Tissues, Roots, Structure and Development, Shoots, Primary Structure, Shoots, Secondary Structure, Plant Growth Substances, Flowering, Water Relations, Water Relations, Mineral Nutrition, Presidents Day, Mineral Nutrition, Fruit Development, Discussion of Midterm, Darwin and The Origin, Explanatory Power, Mendel, Hardy, and Weinberg, Mutation and Selection, Genetic Drift and Gene Flow, Sex and Sexual Selection, Biological Species, Modes of Speciation, Macroevolution, Phlogenetic Systematics, Molecular Phylogenetics, Precambrian and Paleozoic, Mesozoic and Cenozoic, Generalizations About the Fossil Record, Review, Control of Onchocerciasis: What we will study in Ecology and Evolutionary Biology, Population Growth, Dynamics of Populations, Demography, Organism Interactions and Competition, Ecological Studies, Communities, Island Biogeography, Ecosystems, Aquatic Ecosystems, San Francisco Bay, Microevolution & Natural Selection, Humans and the Environment, Course Review
Structural Aspects of Biomaterials
- Video Lectures: Course Bioeng/ME C117 (Berkeley)
- Course Website
Course Overview, Biocompatibility/FDA Regulatory Agency, Orthopedics, Case Study: Sulzer Recall, Case Study: Hip Implant Corrosion, Final Project Outline, Sterilization Case Study, Wear in Total Joint Replacements, Total Shoulder Replacements; Contact Stress, Contact Stress in Devices; Stress Shielding, Guest Lecture: Dr. Michael Ries, Chief of Arthoroplasty, UCSF, UHMWPE Fatigue, Fatigue Design, Guest Lecture: Dr. Andy Kohm, Spinal Implants, Kyphon, Defect Tolerant Philosophy, Guest Lecture: Professor Rob Ritchie, Fracture in Minerized Tissues, MSME, Dental Materials, Guest Lecture: Vascular Mechanics, In Class Demonstrations: Knee, HIp, Dental, Cardio, Guest Lecture: Dr. Scott Robertson, Stents: Fatigue and Fracture, LBL, Guest Lecture: Dr. Alan Pelton, Stent Design, Nitinol Device Company (NDC), Midterm, No Lecture, Soft Tissue Reconstruction, Breast Implants, Exam Solutions, Wrap-up, No Lecture, Student Presentations
Structural Aspects of Biomaterials
- Video Lectures: Course Bioeng/ME C117D (Berkeley)
- Course Website
Case Study: Spinal Disc Replacement, Mechanics, Notes on Principal Stresses & Mohr's Circle, Stresses Due to Bending, Presidents Day, Failure of a Posterier Stabalized Total Knee Replacement, Practical Applications of Fatigue, Biological Responses and Biocompatibility, How Fracture and Fatigue are Used in Industry, Homework Problem Overview, Motivation Problem Definition, Design Requirements, Deliverable 2; Homework 6, How to give a Technical Presentation
The Origin of Life
- Lecture by John Maynard Smith (Sussex University)
Provided by The Vega Science Trust.
Self-Assembly: Nature's way to do it
- Lecture by Kuniaki Nagayama (University of Tokyo)
Provided by The Vega Science Trust.
Genomics and Computational Biology (Audio only)
- Audio Lectures: Course HST.508 (MIT)
- Course Website
Genomic Medicine (Audio only)
- Audio Lectures: Course HST.512 (MIT)
- Course Website
Neuroscience and Behavior (Audio only)
- Audio Lectures: Course 9.01 (MIT)
- Course Website
Lecture topics:
Introduction to Brain-behavior Studies, History and Goals, Cellular Mechanisms, Neuronal Conduction and Transmission, Synapses Neuroanatomical Techniques, Introduction to CNS and its Evolution, Evolution, Brain Subdivisions Channels of Conduction, Transection Effects Neocortex, Spinal Cord Autonomic NS, Hindbrain and Midbrain, Midbrain and Forebrain, Development of CNS, Introduction, Cell migration Axon Growth Stages, Influences on Axon Growth, Axonal Sprouting and Regeneration, Motor System, Rythmic Outputs, Rhythms of Activity Sleep and Waking, Sleep and Waking, Habituation, Novelty Responses, Visual System Anatomy, Ablations, Physiology, Ablation Studies, Ablations, Visual System Conclusion, Auditory System, Pain and Central Gray Area, Hypothalamus and Feeding, Drive, Reward Agonistic Behavior, Higher Functions Human Nature, Human Nature and Neuroscience, Conclusion, Course Review
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I feel I am in heaven! Thanks man keep up the good job. By the way after reading this ( on NYTimes, I want to learn more about Topology! Do you know any Topology course avilable online?
many thanks,
Anonymous, at Thu Aug 17, 11:37:00 PM 2006
Hi. Sorry, I don't know any topology video lecture courses.
I am lucky in a way that I will take a topology course this or next year from math department.
Peter Krumins, at Sun Aug 20, 02:34:00 AM 2006
How about online lectures for inorganic chemistry? :)
Anonymous, at Sun Aug 20, 02:47:00 PM 2006
Nope, haven't seen video lectures in inorganic chemistry.
Are you interested only in video lectures or course notes/text materials also suit you?
Peter Krumins, at Mon Aug 21, 04:15:00 AM 2006
Great videos and great site layout.
Anonymous, at Mon Sep 04, 11:24:00 AM 2006
Thanks for your great work.
Anonymous, at Thu Sep 21, 03:36:00 AM 2006
your work is absolutely fabulous. many students will benefit from this. Thanks alot!
Keith Sun Haozhe, at Mon Sep 25, 09:33:00 PM 2006
Hi, very good idea. Can we add sites for you to include in your list? This is an amazing resource for organic chemistry - very clear lectures with accompanying notes. Claude E Wintner is a genius!
Anonymous, at Wed Oct 04, 01:51:00 AM 2006
Hey, Caroline!
Sorry for the delay I did not notice your comment.
Thanks for suggesting that site!
I will add those lectures to the list pretty soon. Thanks again!
Peter Krumins, at Mon Oct 30, 09:53:00 PM 2006
Caroline ,keep it up.Thats a good resource project does hold information on Scoence.
Anonymous, at Mon Jan 22, 02:44:00 PM 2007
do you know on-line lecture for surface and nano chemistry?
lela, at Fri Aug 24, 11:49:00 AM 2007
this site is really a valuable source of knowledge. hope we will get more updates soon.
best regards
Unknown, at Sat Aug 25, 05:25:00 PM 2007
Brilliant site. My subject is Botany and I am loving the videos in the introduction to Biology. I can't thank you enough!
By the way, what is with that guy who has written the lengthy post above which has no sense to it??????
Anonymous, at Thu Oct 04, 11:57:00 PM 2007
hey, thanx alot.......u r the man :)
i hope if u can find any industrial chemistry video lectures coz i couldn't find any.
Anonymous, at Mon Oct 22, 01:51:00 PM 2007
Wonderful blog.
Anonymous, at Sat Oct 27, 10:15:00 PM 2007
Wow, thanks for the links!
Anonymous, at Mon Dec 03, 02:40:00 AM 2007
hey dear madam
thanks to u for doing this great job. keep it up, and can i have more lectures in biochemistry, u have a one lecture in biochemistry its great, but its only about proteins,,, so if u can publish more and more lectures in nucleic acids and lipids and carbohydrates, thanks a lot
love u
Anonymous, at Wed Dec 12, 09:58:00 AM 2007
Do you get paid for the click on the links on these pages? Cause your dedicated work deserves much much more.
I am a total fan of your blog!
Anonymous, at Wed Dec 26, 08:12:00 PM 2007
How can I understand a video lecture when in it appears copyright sequences, where I cannot see anything, especialy I observed it in the case of Biochemistry video courses. The pictures and figures play an essential role in teaching!
Anonymous, at Thu Jan 03, 03:19:00 AM 2008
Excelent resources...actually, one of the most fascinating I have found on the Internet.
Anonymous, at Thu May 01, 09:38:00 PM 2008
Yours is one of the most truly helpful resources on the net. Thanks and keep up the great work!!
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Anonymous, at Fri Oct 31, 02:28:00 PM 2008
Someone really decided to put on their thinking cap, great going! It’s fantastic to see people really writing about the important things.
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Anonymous, at Thu Nov 06, 12:01:00 PM 2008
Wow! Great blog. And here's another one for you: Pathology lectures?
Thanks so much for this!
Hart Matthews, at Tue Mar 31, 12:09:00 AM 2009
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