Programming Language Video Lectures
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Introduction to Symbolic Programming (University of California Berkeley)
Topics covered are the following:
- Exploration: introduction to the course and to programming.
- Procedures and functions: evaluation, words and lists, functional programming.
- Variables: data types, inputs to procedures and functions, scope of variables, assignment.
- Predicates: conditional evaluation.
- Recursion (several models): linear- and tree-recursive operations.
- Planning and debugging.
- Functional operators.
- Other control structures, e.g. iteration, non-local exit.
- Other data structures, e.g. trees, hash tables, property lists, files.
- Programs as data.
C++ for Particle Physicists
Series of 13 lectures that was presented at CERN in Geneva by Paul Kunz from Stanford University. The lectures are very clear and start with the basics in an attempt to teach C++ to Particle Physicists. Each lecture is about an hour and a half long.
- Introduction: Video Lecture on C++ Types and Operators (part 1)
- Introduction: Video on C++ Types and Operators (part 2)
- Video Lecture on C++ Functions and Pointers (part 1)
- Functions and Pointers (part 2)
- Functions and Pointers (part 3)
- C++ Classes
- Custom C++ Class Hep3Vector
- Simple C++ Array (part 1)
- Simple C++ Array (part 2)
- Video Introduction to Inheritance (part 1)
- Video Introduction to Inheritance (part 2)
- More About Inheritance (part 1)
- More About Inheritance (part 2)
More information about these 13 lectures can be found here:
C++ Programming Tutorial
- C++ Video Tutorial 1
This video gives a brief introduction to basic commands and you get to make a program that takes 3 numbers that a user inputs and averages them. - C++ Video Tutorial 2a
- C++ Video Tutorial 2b
Tutorial going through loops, switch statements, if else statements and applying them to another fairly simple program. - C++ Video Tutorial 3
- C++ Video Tutorial 4a
- C++ Video Tutorial 4b
Going through the use of functions, pointers, how to make fullscreen, and changing colors per line. - C++ Video Tutorial
Pointers a little more in depth as people didnt really seem to get it.
Bjarne Stroustrup’s Video Lecture on C++0x Standard
Dr. Bjarne Stroustrup is the original designer and implementer of the C++ Programming Language.
Quoting Him: "A good programming language is far more than a simple collection of features. My ideal is to provide a set of facilities that smoothly work together to support design and programming styles of a generality beyond my imagination. Here, I briefly outline rules of thumb (guidelines, principles) that are being applied in the design of C++0x. Then, I present the state of the standards process (we are aiming for C++09) and give examples of a few of the proposals such as concepts, generalized initialization, being considered in the ISO C++ standards committee. Since there are far more proposals than could be presented in an hour, I'll take questions."
Java Programming basics
- Java Programming Video Lecture I
- Java Programming Video Lecture II
- Java Programming Video Lecture III
- Java Programming Video Lecture IV
- Java Programming Video Lecture V
- Java Programming Video Lecture VI
- Java Programming Video Lecture VII
- Java Programming Video Lecture VIII
- Java Programming Video Lecture IX
- Java Programming Video Lecture X
- Java Programming Video Lecture XI
- Java Programming Video Lecture XII
- Java Programming Video Lecture VIII
An excellent video lecture course in Java Programming.
Students who view the complete video course will:
- Understand fundamentals of programming such as variables, conditional and iterative execution, methods, etc.
- Understand fundamentals of object-oriented programming, including defining classes, invoking methods, using class libraries, etc.
- Gain exposure to the important topics and principles of software development.
- Have the ability to write computer programs to solve specified problems.
- Be able to use a software development environment to create, debug, and run programs.
Introduction to Perl: The Friendly Programming Language
Adam Trickett gives a short talk introducing the Perl scripting / programming language. This talk does not require any previous knowledge of Perl.
The talk covers history of Perl, Perl's parent programming languages, Hello world program, Perl's books, CPAN (Comprehensive Perl Archive Network) and Useful Perl resources/websites.
Beginning Perl for Nonprogrammers
This is an instructional video outlining the basics of the Perl scripting language.
Audrey Tang - Perl 6 Today
Introducing Python
This 24 minute video contains interviews with luminaries from the Python community interspersed with A Python Love Story. It was created for use as an introductory activity in a computer science course using Python.
Why I Like Python
Jim Dennis gives a short talk on the aspects of the Python programming language that he most appreciates. This talk requires some basic programming knowledge.
Intro to programming with Python and Tkinter
(Sorry, I couldn't find lectures 1 and 2). Starts with lecture 3:
- Lecture 3, Your first python program
Teaches how to import Tkinter library, create a simple list, create a window, create a listbox, fill a listbox, parents of widgets. - Lecture 4, Button are meant to be pushed
Teaches how to create a button, create a label, link up a button with specific functions, the concept of functions, indentation of functions, changing the foreground and background of widgets. - Lecture 5, Stealing is good in programming
Teaches how to program large programs, how to borrow other people's code(modules), basic concepts to functions. - Lecture 6, How to create anything in Tkinter
Teaches how to create any Tkinter widget, how to make stand alone modules. - Lecture 7, Now let's make them do something
Teaches how to insert text into a listbox, get text from Entry box, changing the size of the window, controlling where the window pop up, delete what's inside the entry box, controlling the padding between widgets. - Lecture 8, Let's make some decisions
Teaches how to use if statements, examples are provided. - Lecture 9, Let's create a password system
Teaches how to focus on a widget, delete and insert text in an entry box, more examples of if else statement. - Lecture 10, Photo display Part A
Teaches the 4 basic different types of variables - integer, float, string, boolean. Shows the concept of global and local variables. Answers the questions - how do you find out what type a variable is? When do you use single or double quotes for strings? - Lecture 11, Photo display Part B
Teaches how to use canvas widget to include a gif image, how to delete an image. A real example of the need for global variables. - Lecture 12, Photo display Part C
The 4 types of OS most people use (windows, unix, apple, linux) . This video lecture teaches how do you find out your OS and how do you list all the files in a specific directory. - Lecture 13, Photo display Part D
We start learning about the string library. With these many libraries, you will also learn how to find all the tools inside the library using the IDLE interpreter. - Lecture 14, Photo display Part E
You will learn about for loops and the concept of range function. - Lecture 15, Photo display Part F
You will learn about pack functions, position functions, grid functions, and callback functions. - Lecture 16, Photo display Part G
We are now finally getting into more advanced topics such as reading text files. - Lecture 17, File reading and writing
We will learn how to do reading and writing files.
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Labels: bjarne stroustrup, c++, java, particle physics, perl, perl 6, programming, python, symbolic programming, tkinter