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Monday, July 10, 2006

Even more physics videos and video lectures!

I am very sorry but I have not yet finished my new Free Science Online website.
I already registered a domain ( but I have not yet published the site.

As soon as I have published my new website I will create a post with huge red letters here!
Update: The site has been published. Visit Free Science Lectures.

Here are more physics videos. I hope you like them.

First, the video interview with the great physicist
Richard P. Feynman.

Pleasure of Finding Things Out
Amazingly great video lecture! This is pure Richard Feynman. I have watched it 4 times during last two years. Each time watching it I always find something new I had not noticed before!

The Douglas Robb Memorial Lectures by Richard P. Feynman
A set of four priceless archival recordings from the University of Auckland (New Zealand) of the outstanding Nobel prize-winning physicist Richard Feynman - arguably the greatest science lecturer ever. Although the recording is of modest technical quality the exceptional personal style and unique delivery shine through.

Feynman gives us not just a lesson in basic physics but also a deep insight into the scientific mind of a 20th century genius analyzing the approach of the 17th century genius Newton.

For the young scientist, brought up in this age of hi-tech PC / Power Point-based presentations, we also get an object lesson in how to give a lecture with nothing other than a piece of chalk and a blackboard. Furthermore we are shown how to respond with wit and panache to the technical mishaps that are part-and-parcel of the lecturer's life.

Two minute excerpt from Richard P. Feynman's Lecture on why the nature is symmetric
Richard Feynman, towards the end of a Caltech lecture to undergraduates on symmetry in physical laws, discusses Nature's near-symmetry (as in parity non-conservation) and the Yomeimon in Nikko, Japan. Illustrated after the fact with still images of the Yomeimon. Of the four pillars at the front of the gate, the pillar with the inverted motif (sakakibashira) is the third from the left, as shown.

Two minute video capture of the most famous physicists at Solvay Conference (1927):
(Ervin Schr
ödinger, Niels Bohr, Werner Heisenberg, Paul Dirac, Max Born, Wolfgang Pauli, Louis de Broglie, Marie Curie, Hendrik Lorentz, Albert Einstein and others)
This is something great! Two minutes of the most famous physicists. See them alive!
Devote two minutes of your time to watch this!

Twenty-nine physicists, the main quantum theorists of the day, came together to discuss the topic “Electrons and Photons”. Seventeen of the 29 attendees were or became Nobel Prize winners.

Following is a “home movie” shot by Irving Langmuir, (the 1932 Nobel Prize winner in chemistry). It captures 2 minutes of an intermission in the proceedings. Twenty-one of the 29 attendees are on the film. The film opens with quick shots of Erwin Schrödinger and Niels Bohr. Auguste Piccard of the University of Brussels follows and then the camera re-focuses on Schrödinger and Bohr.

Collection of Audio Lectures in Physics:
Lectures provided:
  • Los Alamos from Below (speech by Richard P. Feynman himself!!!)
  • Einstein's Relativity and the Quantum Revolution
  • Greatest Minds and Ideas of All Time
  • Hawking's Black Holes
  • Complexity and Chaos
  • Universe in a Nutshell (Stephen Hawking)

Black holes, Wormholes and Time Travel
The idea of time travel makes great science fiction, but can it really be achieved? Paul Davies, Visiting Professor of Physics at Imperial College, describes wormholes in space and other ways that might allow travel into the past or future.

Provided by The Vega Science Trust.

Life in Space
Helen Sharman, the UK's first astronaut, gives a vibrant account of her personal experience of life in space using models and film to illustrate the key scientific concepts involved in spaceflight.

Among other things she discusses the way Newton's Third Law and convection apply to space flight, weightlessness and survival. She answers numerous questions from an audience of young school children (9-12 yrs).

Provided by The Vega Science Trust.

States of Matter
John Murrell discusses the basic physical principles relating to the gaseous, liquid and solid states with the aid of models and demonstrations. Attention is drawn to phase changes and subtle features involving intermediate phases such as liquid crystals, supercritical fluids and pseudosolids. These aspects are developed further in interactive discussions.

Provided by The Vega Science Trust.

The Chemistry of Interstellar Space
Radioastronomical observations of our galaxy have revealed hordes of molecules in the interstellar medium. Extremely fast reactions result in the high abundance of complex organic compounds in the space between the stars. Amazingly, the key to all this is the chemistry of the helium ion!

Provided by The Vega Science Trust.

Radioastronomical observation of the galaxy has revealed a broad distribution of molecular species within the cool, low density regions between stars. Since it is only possible to observe polar molecular forms through their rotational motions, our direct knowledge of abundances of the molecular components is somewhat limited. To gain a deeper insight into the likely molecular composition of the interstellar medium, models of chemical synthesis appropriate for the cold, low density conditions are required.

Consideration of observed species shows clearly that equilibrium thermodynamic constraints are inappropriate, since in some instances high energy isomeric forms of species are quite abundant. Furthermore quite specific forms of relatively large polyatomic species are observed. In particular, the larger organic species are very unsaturated rather than saturated, as might be expected from the fact that hydrogen is by far the most abundant interstallar molecular species. The modelling of the kinetics of specific condensation from an atomic initial condition is representative of a problem of general occurance. The chemistry of the interstellar medium illustrates that complex synthesis occurs under totally abiotic conditions. The specific reactions that occur in the dark polyatomic interstellar regions are discussed in terms of cosmic ray induced primary ionisation followed by specific secondary ion molecule reactions. We show that the high abundance of complex carbon compounds is due to the chemistry of the helium ions.

Provided by The Vega Science Trust.

Electron Waves Unveil the Microcosmos
Since the time of Faraday lines of force in space have been "observed" by sprinkling iron filings around magnet. The lecturer explains how, with modern techniques we can "see" lines of force inside a solid magnet. The studies reveal a fascinating dynamic world in which lines of force form vortices (quantised bundles) that hop and swirl inside a superconductor (much like tornadoes do in the atmosphere).

You can use a microscope to see the cell structure of a leaf. Optical microscopes employ waves of visible light. To see smaller objects such as viruses and irregularities in the atomic arrangement of crystals, however, you have to use electron waves. Why? Because wavelengths of visible light are too large to probe such small sizes. Are electrons waves? Yes, they can behave like waves, which are trains of crests and troughs just like the ripples on the surface of water. Using the electron microscope, we can see the crest height and the trough depth of the electron waves after they are disturbed from passing by the objects being examined. However, there are some objects that do not affect the height or depth of the waves, but pull back (or push forward) the crests and troughs. This can be observed by superposing two waves, one pulled back and the other unaffected, and letting them interfere. The electron waves will interfere constructively if the crests overlap, and destructively if the crests meet the troughs. This is the principle of holography, which the lecturer explains in detail during the discourse. Then, you will be able to understand the fascinating sceneries in the microcosmos that electron holography has unveiled, such as the quantised bundles of magnetic lines of force in a superconductor, and how they dance and hop!

Provided by The Vega Science Trust.

Tick, Tick Pulsating Star: How we wonder what you are
The discovery of pulsars, neutron stars which form when massive stars explode (supernovae), took astronomers by surprise. Their discovery is described and the way in which these bizarre objects have led to an understanding of matter under extreme conditions.

Provided by The Vega Science Trust.

Nanotubes: The Materials of the 21st Century
Carbon nanotubes, some 1000 times smaller than conventional carbon fibers, have tensile strengths 100x that of steel and conduct electricity like metals. They promise a revolution in structural and electrical engineering.

Provided by The Vega Science Trust.

Science and Fine Art
There is a long tradition of applying scientific techniques to the study of works of art. The discourse reviews past and present approaches and shows that these advances have not only illuminated art history but also revolutionised our conservation techniques, ensuring the survival of works of art for the future.

Provided by The Vega Science Trust.

Electricity, Magnetism and the Body
The controlled ways that electricity and magnetism can stimulate the body are demonstrated and how the resulting responses can aid diagnosis discussed.

Provided by The Vega Science Trust.

How X-rays cracked the structure of DNA
An elegantly simple optical diffraction demonstration with an inexpensive laser pointer is used to show the way in which x-rays can reveal the structure of crystals, and in particular, the double helix structure of DNA.

Provided by The Vega Science Trust.

How to Make Teaching Come Alive
The Council on Primary and Secondary Education 2002 summer program hosted 70 pre-college teachers at MIT to attend MIT Physics Professor Walter Lewin's inspired talk about physics. The teachers came from 15 US states and seven countries including Argentina, Austria, Hong Kong, Israel, Lebanon, Norway, and West Indies.

This lecture has been described as one that can make you "see" a rainbow in ways you have never seen it before, and provides answers to questions like "why is the sky blue"?.

During the live lecture, many of the colors discussed were visible as described. However since this lecture was video taped and then compressed in order to create video streams, many of the colors did not survive the compression process. In the lecture hall, viewers did indeed see all of the colors of the rainbow, however once the video is streamed, you will see mostly red and blue. At 14:02, during the rotating disc demonstration, the black and white lines appear brown on the inside and dark blue on the outside, and when reversed, appear dark blue on the inside and brown on the outside. Professor Lewin is introduced by Professor Ron Latanision, Chairman of the Council on Primary and Secondary Education, and Professor of Materials Science and Engineering and Professor of Nuclear Engineering at MIT.

Polarization: Light Waves, Rainbows, and Cheap Sunglasses
In this lecture taped before a live audience of elementary and middle school students and their families, MIT Physics Professor Walter Lewin explains polarization, and demonstrates properties of light in rainbows, smoke and the sky. He answers the perennial question, "why is the sky blue?" and creates a red sunset in the laboratory.

Polarization: 35:20
Rainbows: 59:38
Blue Smoke: 1:09:30
Red Sunset: 1:22:13

The Birth and Death of Stars
We know that some stars exist because we can see them with our own eyes. In this lecture Walter Lewin provides illuminating evidence of stars we cannot see. He describes the birth of stars, in the arms of a nebula, to their explosive or implosive ends. There are super hot white dwarves, detectible only by measuring the shift in color as light leaves them. As some massive stars age, they collapse into incredibly dense neutron stars—1000 times smaller than white dwarves—that release more x-rays than light. One teaspoon of neutron star matter would weight 500 million tons. Lewin champions Jocelyn Bell, who discovered evidence for these stars in 1967 but was overlooked for the Nobel Prize. When Bell’s radio telescope picked up mysterious signals pulsing every 1.3 seconds, her lab described the phenomenon as “little green men,” at first unsure if these might be signs of intelligent alien life. In his ringing finale, Lewin pulls out a tuning fork to demonstrate the Doppler Effect, where the pitch of a sound changes as it moves. Astronomers measured an analogous Doppler shift in star light to prove the existence of black holes.

The Sounds of Music
Have you ever wondered about the annoying hum your car makes at a certain speed on a particular stretch of highway? Or why a flute’s notes are higher than a trombone’s? Walter Lewin uses rubber hose, wooden boxes with holes, metal plates and an assortment of other home-made instruments to demonstrate how objects produce sound. It all boils down to how something vibrates -- pushing air out in all directions.

Lewin illustrates the shape of sounds, taking a rope tethered at one end, shaking it up and down at different speeds and producing specific wave shapes. These shapes are the rope’s resonant frequencies, or harmonics. It’s the same for a bowed violin, where the oscillations of the strings generate a set of harmonics, producing the notes we hear -- the faster the oscillations, the higher the tones. Lewin invites children from the audience to produce sounds with their musical instruments, and shows the amplitude and frequency of the tones. Later he demonstrates destructive resonances: video of a bridge that twists so violently that it collapses, and then, live in the laboratory, the shattering of a wine glass with progressively louder and higher tones. In this event where physics meets performance art, Lewin provides surprises throughout.

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