Video Lectures
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It is great that some of the top universities have published video recordings of their lectures online. Quoting professor Walter Lewin from MIT "knowledge only adds, it never subtracts".
This is true and I can't agree more. The video lectures ease perception of material enormously.
I have watched at least five video courses during last year in physics, mathematics and computer science. So I will be focusing mostly on lectures in these subjects.
A little about me.
I am physics student and I am very interested in physics so I have spent quite a while searching for all available video lectures in physics.
It is essential that a physicist knows mathematics perfectly so I have also collected links to lectures on mathematics.
One of the reasons I chose to study physics is because I was proficient at computer science and studying it would be a waste of time since I knew 80% of what is taught at university.
I have also a good collection of video lectures in computer science.
I am not interested much in other sciences so mathematics, physics and computer science is what I will be focusing on.
I will gradually publish all my findings here. I have lots of links to go through.
MIT has posted a lot of science stuff here. There are only a few videos buy many course syllabi are made available.
Johnny B., at Tue Jun 27, 06:31:00 PM 2006
Thanks for putting this "clearing house" of lectures up. I'm interested in the same subjects you are, so it's handy to have an index here all in one place. Keep adding stuff!
Brint Montgomery, at Tue Jun 27, 11:01:00 PM 2006
great site. I have found it necessary to brush up on my math with much of the humanities work I do, and your site it helpful.
Troy Camplin, at Fri Jun 30, 07:18:00 PM 2006
Hej, nice blog. Here are some videos related to mechanics or fluid mechanics. Looking forward to find some more on your blog.
Anonymous, at Wed Jul 12, 06:40:00 AM 2006
Hej, nice blog. Here are some videos related to mechanics or fluid mechanics. Looking forward to find some more on your blog.
Anonymous, at Wed Jul 12, 06:40:00 AM 2006
Sweet. The previous guy had some useful stuff there, as well. Though I would prefer direct downloads and a lot less streaming/Windows Media/Replayer. It's ridiculous to stream off-course video lectures with 26.4K or less, which is what I have. The Mat 614 Chaos/Dynamical Systems videos at the U of Texas site don't play right for me, unfortunately. I could see the first three lectures, and that was it. Anyone find an astronomy video course one yet?
Andrej, at Fri Jul 14, 12:41:00 AM 2006
Hi all. Thanks for comments and links.
I have not found astronomy lectures :(
If I do I will surely post a link.
Peter Krumins, at Mon Aug 21, 07:55:00 AM 2006
Great links, very useful. Here is an astronomy course at Berkeley:
Anonymous, at Tue Oct 03, 11:51:00 PM 2006
Hello sir,
I m sunil patil now working as vlsi engineer in india. sir i want vlsi fabrication video . So i request any one find any material regarding that please reply me. here is my email-id
Thanka and regards
Sunil patil
Anonymous, at Mon Jan 08, 08:17:00 AM 2007
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