Physics and Astrophysics Video Lectures
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Hello everyone! This month I've new physics videos and physics video lectures. The videos include a course on basic physics, a course on electromagnetism, a course on frontiers of astrophysics, a lecture by Michio Kaku about the universe, a lecture by Alex Filippenko on dark energy, and a brief history of dark energy and the accelerating universe.
Fundamentals of Physics with Ramamurti Shankar
Course topics (Yale, 24 lectures):
Course Introduction and Newtonian Mechanics. Vectors in Multiple Dimensions. Newton's Laws of Motion. Newton's Laws (cont.) and Inclined Planes. Work-Energy Theorem and Law of Conservation of Energy. Law of Conservation of Energy in Higher Dimensions. Kepler's Laws. Dynamics of Multiple-Body System. Rotations, Part I: Dynamics of Rigid Bodies. Rotations, Part II: Parallel Axis Theorem. Torque. Introduction to Relativity. Lorentz Transformation. Introduction to the Four-Vector. Four-Vector in Relativity. The Taylor Series and Other Mathematical Concepts. Simple Harmonic Motion. Simple Harmonic Motion (cont.) and Introduction to Waves. Waves. Fluid Dynamics and Statics and Bernoulli's Equation. Thermodynamics. The Boltzmann Constant and First Law of Thermodynamics. The Second Law of Thermodynamics and Carnot's Engine. The Second Law of Thermodynamics (cont.) and Entropy.
Fundamentals of Physics II with Ramamurti Shankar
Course topics (Yale, 25 lectures):
Electrostatics. Electric Fields. Gauss's Law I. Gauss's Law and Application to Conductors and Insulators. The Electric Potential and Conservation of Energy. Capacitors. Resistance. Circuits and Magnetism I. Magnetism II. Ampere's Law. Lenz's and Faraday's Laws. LCR Circuits—DC Voltage. LCR Circuits—AC Voltage. Maxwell's Equations and Electromagnetic Waves I. Maxwell's Equations and Electromagnetic Waves II. Ray or Geometrical Optics I. Ray or Geometrical Optics II. Wave Theory of Light. Quantum Mechanics I: The key experiments and wave-particle duality. Quantum Mechanics II. Quantum Mechanics III. Quantum mechanics IV: Measurement theory, states of definite energy. Quantum Mechanics V: Particle in a Box. Quantum Mechanics VI: Time-dependent Schrödinger Equation. Quantum Mechanics VII: Summary of postulates and special topics.
Frontiers/Controversies in Astrophysics with Charles Bailyn
Course topics:
Introduction. Planetary Orbits. Our Solar System and the Pluto Problem. Discovering Exoplanets: Hot Jupiters. Planetary Transits. Microlensing, Astrometry and Other Methods. Direct Imaging of Exoplanets. Introduction to Black Holes. Special and General Relativity. Tests of Relativity. Special and General Relativity (cont.). Stellar Mass Black Holes. Stellar Mass Black Holes (cont.). Pulsars. Supermassive Black Holes. Hubble's Law and the Big Bang. Hubble's Law and the Big Bang (cont.). Hubble's Law and the Big Bang (cont.). Omega and the End of the Universe. Dark Matter. Dark Energy and the Accelerating Universe and the Big Rip. Supernovae. Other Constraints: The Cosmic Microwave Background. The Multiverse and Theories of Everything.
Dark Energy and the Runaway Universe
Lecture description:
Observations of very distant exploding stars show that the expansion of the Universe is now speeding up, rather than slowing down due to gravity as expected. Over the largest distances, our Universe seems to be dominated by a repulsive "dark energy" of unknown origin that stretches the very fabric of space itself faster and faster with time. Alex Filippenko (NAS), University of California, Berkeley, was a member of both teams that discovered in 1998 the accelerating expansion of the Universe, driven by "dark energy."
Michio Kaku: The Universe in a Nutshell
Lecture description:
Michio Kaku, Henry Semat Professor of Theoretical Physics at CUNY. What if we could find one single equation that explains every force in the universe? Dr. Michio Kaku explores how physicists may shrink the science of the Big Bang into an equation as small as Einstein's "e=mc^2." Thanks to advances in string theory, physics may allow us to escape the heat death of the universe, explore the multiverse, and unlock the secrets of existence. While firing up our imaginations about the future, Kaku also presents a succinct history of physics and makes a compelling case for why physics is the key to pretty much everything.
A Brief History of Dark Energy and the Accelerating Universe
Lecture description:
Lecture by Dr. Adam Riess (MIT '92) - Space Telescope Science Institute, John Hopkins University. Ten years ago, the discovery that the expansion of the universe is accelerating put in place the last major building block of the present cosmological model, in which the universe is composed of 4% baryons, 20% dark matter, and 76% dark energy. At the same time, it posed one of the most profound mysteries in all of science, with deep connections to both astrophysics and particle physics. Cosmic acceleration could arise from the repulsive gravity of dark energy—for example, the quantum energy of the vacuum—or it may signal that general relativity (GR) breaks down on cosmological scales and must be replaced. Adam talks about the present observational evidence for cosmic acceleration and what it has revealed about dark energy, discusses the various theoretical ideas that have been proposed to explain acceleration, and describes the key observational probes that will shed light on this enigma in the coming years.
Enjoy the videos!
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Fundamentals of Physics with Ramamurti Shankar
Course topics (Yale, 24 lectures):
Course Introduction and Newtonian Mechanics. Vectors in Multiple Dimensions. Newton's Laws of Motion. Newton's Laws (cont.) and Inclined Planes. Work-Energy Theorem and Law of Conservation of Energy. Law of Conservation of Energy in Higher Dimensions. Kepler's Laws. Dynamics of Multiple-Body System. Rotations, Part I: Dynamics of Rigid Bodies. Rotations, Part II: Parallel Axis Theorem. Torque. Introduction to Relativity. Lorentz Transformation. Introduction to the Four-Vector. Four-Vector in Relativity. The Taylor Series and Other Mathematical Concepts. Simple Harmonic Motion. Simple Harmonic Motion (cont.) and Introduction to Waves. Waves. Fluid Dynamics and Statics and Bernoulli's Equation. Thermodynamics. The Boltzmann Constant and First Law of Thermodynamics. The Second Law of Thermodynamics and Carnot's Engine. The Second Law of Thermodynamics (cont.) and Entropy.
Fundamentals of Physics II with Ramamurti Shankar
Course topics (Yale, 25 lectures):
Electrostatics. Electric Fields. Gauss's Law I. Gauss's Law and Application to Conductors and Insulators. The Electric Potential and Conservation of Energy. Capacitors. Resistance. Circuits and Magnetism I. Magnetism II. Ampere's Law. Lenz's and Faraday's Laws. LCR Circuits—DC Voltage. LCR Circuits—AC Voltage. Maxwell's Equations and Electromagnetic Waves I. Maxwell's Equations and Electromagnetic Waves II. Ray or Geometrical Optics I. Ray or Geometrical Optics II. Wave Theory of Light. Quantum Mechanics I: The key experiments and wave-particle duality. Quantum Mechanics II. Quantum Mechanics III. Quantum mechanics IV: Measurement theory, states of definite energy. Quantum Mechanics V: Particle in a Box. Quantum Mechanics VI: Time-dependent Schrödinger Equation. Quantum Mechanics VII: Summary of postulates and special topics.
Frontiers/Controversies in Astrophysics with Charles Bailyn
Course topics:
Introduction. Planetary Orbits. Our Solar System and the Pluto Problem. Discovering Exoplanets: Hot Jupiters. Planetary Transits. Microlensing, Astrometry and Other Methods. Direct Imaging of Exoplanets. Introduction to Black Holes. Special and General Relativity. Tests of Relativity. Special and General Relativity (cont.). Stellar Mass Black Holes. Stellar Mass Black Holes (cont.). Pulsars. Supermassive Black Holes. Hubble's Law and the Big Bang. Hubble's Law and the Big Bang (cont.). Hubble's Law and the Big Bang (cont.). Omega and the End of the Universe. Dark Matter. Dark Energy and the Accelerating Universe and the Big Rip. Supernovae. Other Constraints: The Cosmic Microwave Background. The Multiverse and Theories of Everything.
Dark Energy and the Runaway Universe
Lecture description:
Observations of very distant exploding stars show that the expansion of the Universe is now speeding up, rather than slowing down due to gravity as expected. Over the largest distances, our Universe seems to be dominated by a repulsive "dark energy" of unknown origin that stretches the very fabric of space itself faster and faster with time. Alex Filippenko (NAS), University of California, Berkeley, was a member of both teams that discovered in 1998 the accelerating expansion of the Universe, driven by "dark energy."
Michio Kaku: The Universe in a Nutshell
Lecture description:
Michio Kaku, Henry Semat Professor of Theoretical Physics at CUNY. What if we could find one single equation that explains every force in the universe? Dr. Michio Kaku explores how physicists may shrink the science of the Big Bang into an equation as small as Einstein's "e=mc^2." Thanks to advances in string theory, physics may allow us to escape the heat death of the universe, explore the multiverse, and unlock the secrets of existence. While firing up our imaginations about the future, Kaku also presents a succinct history of physics and makes a compelling case for why physics is the key to pretty much everything.
A Brief History of Dark Energy and the Accelerating Universe
Lecture description:
Lecture by Dr. Adam Riess (MIT '92) - Space Telescope Science Institute, John Hopkins University. Ten years ago, the discovery that the expansion of the universe is accelerating put in place the last major building block of the present cosmological model, in which the universe is composed of 4% baryons, 20% dark matter, and 76% dark energy. At the same time, it posed one of the most profound mysteries in all of science, with deep connections to both astrophysics and particle physics. Cosmic acceleration could arise from the repulsive gravity of dark energy—for example, the quantum energy of the vacuum—or it may signal that general relativity (GR) breaks down on cosmological scales and must be replaced. Adam talks about the present observational evidence for cosmic acceleration and what it has revealed about dark energy, discusses the various theoretical ideas that have been proposed to explain acceleration, and describes the key observational probes that will shed light on this enigma in the coming years.
Enjoy the videos!
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