New Physics Video Lectures
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Hello everyone! This month I've new physics video lectures. They include MIT thermodynamics and kinetics (36 lectures), MIT physics demos (mechanics, waves, electricity, magnetism, quantum physics), Stephen Hawking's TED talk on important questions about the universe, a lecture that goes beyond Einstein, Formula 1 aerodynamics, Journey into a Schwarzschild black hole (computer animation), World's most powerful microscope, and The mother of all time travel paradox.
Thermodynamics & Kinetics (MIT Course 5.60)
Lecture topics:
State of a system, 0th law of thermodynamics, equation of state. Work, heat, first law. Internal energy, expansion work. Enthalpy. Adiabatic changes. Thermochemistry. Calorimetry. Second law. Entropy and the Clausius inequality. Entropy and irreversibility. Fundamental equation, absolute S, third law. Criteria for spontaneous change. Gibbs free energy. Multicomponent systems, chemical potential. Chemical equilibrium. Temperature, pressure and Kp. Equilibrium: application to drug design. Phase equilibria one component. Clausius-Clapeyron equation. Phase equilibria two components. Ideal solutions. Non-ideal solutions. Colligative properties. Introduction to statistical mechanics. Partition function (q) large N limit. Partition function (Q) many particles. Statistical mechanics and discrete energy levels. Model systems. Applications: chemical and phase equilibria. Introduction to reaction kinetics. Complex reactions and mechanisms. Steady-state and equilibrium approximations. Chain reactions. Temperature dependence, Ea, catalysis. Enzyme catalysis. Autocatalysis and oscillators.
MIT Physics Demos
Demos include:
Faraday cage. Balloons in liquid nitrogen. Temperature effect on resistance. Rubber and glass rods and electricity. Pushing and pulling. Monkey and the gun. Dipole antenna. RLC circuits. Levitating magnet. Exploding wire, and many more.
Stephen Hawking: Asking big questions about the universe
Short lecture summary:
Professor Stephen Hawking asks some big questions about our universe -- How did the universe begin? How did life begin? Are we alone? -- and discusses how we might go about answering them.
Beyond Einstein
Lecture description:
The lecture is part of the World Science Festival 2008. Albert Einstein spent his last thirty years unsuccessfully searching for a 'unified theory' - a single master principle to describe everything in the universe, from tiny subatomic particles to immense clusters of galaxies. In the decades since, generations of researchers have continued working toward Einstein's dream. Renowned physicists Leonard Susskind, Jana Levin, Jim Gates, and prominent historian Peter Galison discussed what's been achieved and tackled pivotal questions. Would a unified theory reveal why there is a universe at all? Would it tell us why mathematics is adept at unraveling nature's mysteries? Might it imply we are one universe of many, and what would that mean for our sense of how we fit into the cosmos? Moderated by Nobel Laureate Paul Nurse.
Formula 1 Aerodynamics
Short video description:
Basic view into aerodynamics of the Formula 1 car explained by Martin Brundle.
The mother of all time travel paradox
The paradox:
The question is: Who is Jane’s mother, father, grandfather, grand mother, son, daughter, granddaughter, and grandson? The girl, the drifter, and the bartender, of course, are all the same person. These paradoxes can made your head spin, especially if you try to untangle Jane’s twisted parentage. If we drawJane’s family tree, we find that all the branches are curled inward back on themselves, as in a circle. We come to the astonishing conclusion that she is her own mother and father! She is an entire family tree unto herself.
Journey into a Schwarzschild black hole
Black hole video description:
The simplest kind of black hole is a Schwarzschild black hole, which is a black hole with mass, but with no electric charge, and no spin. Karl Schwarzschild discovered this black hole geometry at the close of 1915 within weeks of Einstein presenting his final theory of General Relativity.
World's Most Powerful Microscope
Microscope description:
Lawrence Berkeley National Lab recently turned on a $27 million electron microscope. Its ability to make images to a resolution half the width of a hydrogen atom made it the most powerful microscope in the world.
Enjoy the videos!
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Thermodynamics & Kinetics (MIT Course 5.60)
Lecture topics:
State of a system, 0th law of thermodynamics, equation of state. Work, heat, first law. Internal energy, expansion work. Enthalpy. Adiabatic changes. Thermochemistry. Calorimetry. Second law. Entropy and the Clausius inequality. Entropy and irreversibility. Fundamental equation, absolute S, third law. Criteria for spontaneous change. Gibbs free energy. Multicomponent systems, chemical potential. Chemical equilibrium. Temperature, pressure and Kp. Equilibrium: application to drug design. Phase equilibria one component. Clausius-Clapeyron equation. Phase equilibria two components. Ideal solutions. Non-ideal solutions. Colligative properties. Introduction to statistical mechanics. Partition function (q) large N limit. Partition function (Q) many particles. Statistical mechanics and discrete energy levels. Model systems. Applications: chemical and phase equilibria. Introduction to reaction kinetics. Complex reactions and mechanisms. Steady-state and equilibrium approximations. Chain reactions. Temperature dependence, Ea, catalysis. Enzyme catalysis. Autocatalysis and oscillators.
MIT Physics Demos
Demos include:
Faraday cage. Balloons in liquid nitrogen. Temperature effect on resistance. Rubber and glass rods and electricity. Pushing and pulling. Monkey and the gun. Dipole antenna. RLC circuits. Levitating magnet. Exploding wire, and many more.
Stephen Hawking: Asking big questions about the universe
Short lecture summary:
Professor Stephen Hawking asks some big questions about our universe -- How did the universe begin? How did life begin? Are we alone? -- and discusses how we might go about answering them.
Beyond Einstein
Lecture description:
The lecture is part of the World Science Festival 2008. Albert Einstein spent his last thirty years unsuccessfully searching for a 'unified theory' - a single master principle to describe everything in the universe, from tiny subatomic particles to immense clusters of galaxies. In the decades since, generations of researchers have continued working toward Einstein's dream. Renowned physicists Leonard Susskind, Jana Levin, Jim Gates, and prominent historian Peter Galison discussed what's been achieved and tackled pivotal questions. Would a unified theory reveal why there is a universe at all? Would it tell us why mathematics is adept at unraveling nature's mysteries? Might it imply we are one universe of many, and what would that mean for our sense of how we fit into the cosmos? Moderated by Nobel Laureate Paul Nurse.
Formula 1 Aerodynamics
Short video description:
Basic view into aerodynamics of the Formula 1 car explained by Martin Brundle.
The mother of all time travel paradox
The paradox:
The question is: Who is Jane’s mother, father, grandfather, grand mother, son, daughter, granddaughter, and grandson? The girl, the drifter, and the bartender, of course, are all the same person. These paradoxes can made your head spin, especially if you try to untangle Jane’s twisted parentage. If we drawJane’s family tree, we find that all the branches are curled inward back on themselves, as in a circle. We come to the astonishing conclusion that she is her own mother and father! She is an entire family tree unto herself.
Journey into a Schwarzschild black hole
Black hole video description:
The simplest kind of black hole is a Schwarzschild black hole, which is a black hole with mass, but with no electric charge, and no spin. Karl Schwarzschild discovered this black hole geometry at the close of 1915 within weeks of Einstein presenting his final theory of General Relativity.
World's Most Powerful Microscope
Microscope description:
Lawrence Berkeley National Lab recently turned on a $27 million electron microscope. Its ability to make images to a resolution half the width of a hydrogen atom made it the most powerful microscope in the world.
Enjoy the videos!
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