Chemistry Video Lectures
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They include: Introduction to chemistry, general chemistry, organic chemistry, biochemistry, chemical structures, principles of chemical science, molecule spectroscopy and chemical thermodynamics.
Introduction to Chemistry
Course topics:
Atoms, Molecules, the Mole. Chemical Reactions, The Central Theme. Chemical Arithmetic. Chemical Bonds: Lewis Structure. Chemical Bonds: Lewis Structure. VSEPR: Gun Powder Derby. Chemical Reactions in Solution. Chemical Reactions in Gases. What Makes Water Wet? Chemical Equilibrium. Equilibrium in Gaseous Reactions. Proton Transfer Equilibria: Acids and Bases. Weak Acids and Bases. Buffers. Polyprotic Systems. Titrations. Solubility Equilibria. Complex Equilibria. Complex Equilibria: The Carbon Cycle. Energy and Society: Running Out of Gas. States of Matter: Kinetic Theory of Gases. Real Gases: Intermolecular Forces. States of Matter: Liquids and Solids. Chemical Energy. Work and Heat from Chemical Bonds. Entropy, Spontaneity, Free Energy. Free Energy and Chemical Reactions. Nuclear Radioactivity. Nuclear Chemistry: Berkeley and the Actinides. Atomic Spectra & the Bohr Model. Particles are Waves!. Quantum Confinement: Nanotechnology. One-Electron Atoms. Thanksgiving Holiday. Many-Electron Atoms. Periodic Properities of the Elements. Molecular Orbitals. Molecular Spectra.
General Chemistry
Course description:
Stoichiometry of chemical reactions, quantum mechanical description of atoms, the elements and periodic table, chemical bonding, real and ideal gases, thermochemistry, introduction to thermodynamics and equilibrium, acid-base and solubility equilibria, introduction to oxidation-reduction reactions.
Course topics:
Eight is Enough: Chemical Bonds. Electronic Glue: Bonding Types. Molecular Shapes. Molecules in Motion: Ideal Gases. It's Just a Phase: Real Gases. Attrative Molecules: Liquids and Solutions. Big Molecules: Solids. Got Electrons? Chemical Reactions. 602 Sextillion: Reaction Stoichiometry. Back it Up: Reversibility. Special K Equilibrium. How Pushy: LeChatelier's Principle. Too Full: Two Phase Equilibria. Finding Solutions: Solubility Equilibria. Heartburn: Acids and Bases. Basically Weak: Weak Acids and Bases. Neutral Territory - Acid-Based Reactions. How Resilient: Buffers. Point of View - Heat Transfer. The Heat is on Heat Capacity. Fuelish Choices: Heats of Reaction. Make It or Break It: Bond Energy. Get Over It: Reaction Rates. What a Mess: Energy Dispersal. Which Way: Enthalpy vs. Entropy. How Far: Gibbs Energy. Make It Work: Heat and Work. Feel the Power: Energy Sources. How Absorbing: Light and Color. Technicolor Atoms: Models of the Atom. Electron Clouds: Quantum Model. My Space: Atomic Orbitals. Breaking the code: Periodic Table. Housing Co-op: Molecular Orbitals. Dying to Know: Dye Molecules. Colorful Cations: Transition Metals. Now You See: Spectroscopy. Photosynthesis Energy Biosciences - Guest Lecture: Professor Fleming.
Freshman Organic Chemistry
Course description:
This is the first semester in a two-semester introductory course focused on current theories of structure and mechanism in organic chemistry, their historical development, and their basis in experimental observation. The course is open to freshmen with excellent preparation in chemistry and physics, and it aims to develop both taste for original science and intellectual skills necessary for creative research.
Course topics:
1. Do You Know Chemistry? 2. Force Laws, Lewis Structures and Resonance. 3. Double Minima, Earnshaw's Theorem, and Plum-Puddings. 4. Coping with Smallness and Scanning Probe Microscopy. 5. X-Ray Diffraction. 6. Seeing Bonds by Electron Difference Density. 7. Quantum Mechanical Kinetic Energy. 8. One-Dimensional Wave Functions. 9. Chladni Figures and One-Electron Atoms. 10. Reality and the Orbital Approximation. 11. Orbital Correction and Plum-Pudding Molecules. 12. Overlap and Atom-Pair Bonds. 13. Overlap and Energy-Match. 14. Checking Hybridization Theory with XH3. 15. Chemical Reactivity: SOMO, HOMO, and LUMO. 16. Recognizing Functional Groups. 17. Reaction Analogies and Carbonyl Reactivity. 18. Amide, Carboxylic Acid and Alkyl Lithium. 19. Oxygen and the Chemical Revolution (Beginning to 1789). 20. Rise of the Atomic Theory (1790-1805). 21. Berzelius to Liebig and Wöhler (1805-1832). 22. Radical and Type Theories (1832-1850). 23. Valence Theory and Constitutional Structure (1858). 24. Determining Chemical Structure by Isomer Counting (1869). 25. Models in 3D Space (1869-1877); Optical Isomers. 26. Van't Hoff's Tetrahedral Carbon and Chirality. 27. Communicating Molecular Structure in Diagrams and Words. 28. Stereochemical Nomenclature; Racemization and Resolution. 29. Preparing Single Enantiomers and the Mechanism of Optical Rotation. 30. Esomeprazole as an Example of Drug Testing and Usage. 31. Preparing Single Enantiomers and Conformational Energy. 32. Stereotopicity and Baeyer Strain Theory. 33. Conformational Energy and Molecular Mechanics. 34. Sharpless Oxidation Catalysts and the Conformation of Cycloalkanes. 35. Understanding Molecular Structure and Energy through Standard Bonds. 36. Bond Energies, the Boltzmann Factor and Entropy. 37. Potential Energy Surfaces, Transition State Theory and Reaction Mechanism.
General Biochemistry
Course description:
Biochemical processes and principles in membrane structure and function, intracellular trafficking and subcellular compartmentation, cytoskeletal architecture, nucleocytoplasmic transport, signal transduction mechanisms, and cell cycle control.
Chemical Structure and Reactivity
Course description:
The synthesis and purification of organic compounds will be explored. Natural product chemstry will be introduced. Advanced spectroscopic methods including infrared, ultraviolet, and nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy and mass spectrometry will be used to analyze products prepared and/or isolated. Qualitative analysis of organic compounds will be covered.
Course topics:
Delocalized Pi Systems Propenyl and Butadiene, 2-Propenyl, Extended Conjugation, and the Diels-Alder Cycloaddition. Diels-Alder and Electrocyclic Reactions. Electronic Spectroscopy. The Discovery of Benzene. Benzene and Aromaticity. Annulenes and Electrophilic Aromatic Substitution. Directing Effects in Electrophilic Aromatic Substitution. More Directing Effects in Electrophilic Aromatic Substitution. Aldehydes and Ketones: Nomenclature, Spectra, Preparation, Nucleophilic Additions. Enols, Enolates, Enals, and Enones. Unsaturated Aldehydes and Ketones. Conjugate Additions. Carboxylic Acids: Properties. Carboxylic Acid Derivatives: Preparation, Interconversions and Reactions, More Reactions. Mass Spectrometry. Mass Spectral Analysis. Amines: Properties. Amines: Preparation and Reactions. Benzylic Reactivity and Chemistry of Substituted Benzenes. Dicarbonyl Compounds. Masked Acyl Anions. Carbohydrates: Names and Structure. The Families of Sugars and Chemistry of Aldoses. Oxidations, Degradation, Fischer Proof, and Structures of Carbohydrate Oligomers in Nature. Heterocycles: Saturated and Aromatic. Chem 3b: Lecture 26 - Holiday. Properties and Chemistry of Heteroaromatic Compounds. Alkaloids. Amino Acids: Properties. Amino Acids, Peptides, and Proteins. Peptide Synthesis, Sequencing, and DNA.
Principles of Biochemistry
Course description:
A comprehensive survey of the fundamentals of biological chemistry, including the properties of intermediary metabolites, the structure and function of biological macromolecules, the logic of metabolic pathways (both degradative and biosynthetic) and the molecular basis of genetics and gene expression.
Course topics:
Properties of the Amino Acids, Peptides and Proteins. Detecting and Analyzing Proteins. Protein Purification, Assessing Protein Purity. Proteins Sequences, Sequence Determination, Modifications. Levels of Protein Structure, Forces Molding Conformation. Structure-Function Relationships: Globins, Antibodies. Enzymes, Enzyme Specificity. Enzyme Catalysis, Kinetic Analysis of Enzyme Activity. Mechanisms of Enzyme Action. Enzyme Regulation, Allosteric Control. Lipids, Structure and Function of Biomembranes. Monosaccharides and Polysaccharides.
Principles of Chemical Science
Course description:
This course, 5.112, is an introductory chemistry course for students with an unusually strong background in chemistry. Knowledge of calculus equivalent to MIT course 18.01 is recommended (see my full math courses post). Emphasis is on basic principles of atomic and molecular electronic structure, thermodynamics, acid-base and redox equilibria, chemical kinetics, and catalysis. The course also covers applications of basic principles to problems in metal coordination chemistry, organic chemistry, and biological chemistry.
Course topics:
Atomic Theory of Matter. Discovery of Nucleus. Wave-Particle Duality of Radiation and Matter. Particle-Like Nature of Light. Matter as a Wave. Schrödinger Equation for H Atom. Hydrogen Atom Wavefunctions. P Orbitals. Electronic Structure of Multielectron Atoms. Periodic Trends in Elemental Properties. Why Wavefunctions are Important? Ionic Bonds - Classical Model and Mechanism. Kinetic Theory - Behavior of Gases. Distribution Molecular Energies. Internal Degrees of Freedom. Intermolecular Interactions. Polarizability. Thermodynamics and Spontaneous Change. Molecular Description of Acids and Bases. Lewis and Brønsted Acid-Base Concepts. Titration Curves and pH Indicators. Electrons in Chemistry: Redox Processes. Cell Potentials and Free Energy. Theory of Molecular Shapes. Valence Bond Theory. Molecular Orbital Theory. Molecular Orbital Theory for Diatomic Molecules. Molecular Orbital Theory for Polyatomic Molecules. Crystal Field Theory. Color and Magnetism of Coordination Complexes. Coordination Complexes and Ligands. Ligand Substitution Reactions: Kinetics. Bonding in Metals and Semiconductors. Metals in Biology. Nuclear Chemistry and the Cardiolite® Story.
Chemical Thermodynamics and Kinetics
Course description:
This subject deals primarily with equilibrium properties of macroscopic systems, basic thermodynamics, chemical equilibrium of reactions in gas and solution phase, and rates of chemical reactions.
Course topics:
State of a system, 0th law, equation of state. Work, heat, first law. Internal energy, expansion work. Enthalpy. Adiabatic changes. Thermochemistry. Calorimetry. Second law. Entropy and the Clausius inequality. Entropy and irreversibility. Fundamental equation, absolute S, third law. Criteria for spontaneous change. Gibbs free energy. Multicomponent systems, chemical potential. Chemical equilibrium. Temperature, pressure and Kp. Equilibrium: application to drug design. Phase equilibria - one component. Clausius-Clapeyron equation. Phase equilibria - two components. Ideal solutions. Non-ideal solutions. Colligative properties. Introduction to statistical mechanics. Partition function (q) - large N limit. Partition function (Q) - many particles. Statistical mechanics and discrete energy levels. Model systems. Applications: chemical and phase equilibria. Introduction to reaction kinetics. Complex reactions and mechanisms. Steady-state and equilibrium approximations. Chain reactions. Temperature dependence, Ea, catalysis. Enzyme catalysis. Autocatalysis and oscillators.
Small-Molecule Spectroscopy and Dynamics
Course description:
The goal of this course is to illustrate the spectroscopy of small molecules in the gas phase: quantum mechanical effective Hamiltonian models for rotational, vibrational, and electronic structure; transition selection rules and relative intensities; diagnostic patterns and experimental methods for the assignment of non-textbook spectra; breakdown of the Born-Oppenheimer approximation (spectroscopic perturbations); the stationary phase approximation; nondegenerate and quasidegenerate perturbation theory (van Vleck transformation); qualitative molecular orbital theory (Walsh diagrams); the notation of atomic and molecular spectroscopy.
Course topics:
Matrices are useful in spectroscopic theory. Coupled harmonic oscillators: truncation of an infinite matrix. Building an effective hamiltonian. Atoms: 1e- and alkali. Alkali and many e- atomic spectra. Many e- atoms. How to assign an atomic spectrum. The Born-Oppenheimer approximation. The Born-Oppenheimer approach to transitions. Pictures of spectra and notation. Rotational assignment of diatomic electronic spectra. Laser schemes for rotational assignment first lines for Ω', Ω" assignments. Definition of angular momenta and | A α MA >, evaluation of HROT. 2∏ and 2∑ matrices. Parity and e/f basis for 2∏, 2∑±. Hund's cases: 2∏, 2∑± examples. Perturbations. Second-order effects. Transformations between basis sets: 3-j, 6-j, and Wigner-Eckart theorem. Construction of potential curves by the Rydberg-Klein-Rees method (RKR). Rotation of polyatomic molecules. Asymmetric top. Pure rotation spectra of polyatomic molecules. Polyatomic vibrations: normal mode calculations.
Have fun with all these chemistry lectures!
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