Biology Video Lectures
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The courses include: introduction to biology, general biology, cell biology, biochemistry and molecular biology, microbiology, immunology, bacteriology, virology, parasitology, mycology, dynamics of neural networks, biology laboratory.
MIT Introduction to Biology
Course description:
Course covers the fundamental principles of biochemistry, genetics, molecular biology, and cell biology. Biological function at the molecular level is particularly emphasized and covers the structure and regulation of genes, as well as, the structure and synthesis of proteins, how these molecules are integrated into cells, and how these cells are integrated into multicellular systems and organisms. In addition, each version of the subject has its own distinctive material. This course focuses on the exploration of current research in cell biology, immunology, neurobiology, genomics, and molecular medicine.
Course topics:
Introduction. Biochemistry. Genetics. Human Genetics. Molecular Biology. Gene Regulation. Protein Localization. Recombinant DNA. Cell Cycle/Signaling. Cancer. Virology/Tumor Viruses. Immunology. AIDS. Genomics. Nervous System. Stem Cells/Cloning. Molecular Medicine. Molecular Evolution. Molecular Medicine. Human Polymorphisms and Cancer Classification. Future of Biology.
Another Introduction to Biology
Course topics:
Biochemistry. DNA as Genetic Material. Molecular Biology. Process of Science. Gene Regulation. Bacterial Genetics. The Biosphere. Carbon and Energy Metabolism. Productivity and Food Webs. Regulation of Productivity. Limiting Factors and Biogeochemical Cycles. Mendelian Genetics. Mitosis and Meiosis. Diploid Genetics. Recombinant DNA. Immunology. Population Growth. Population Genetics and Evolution. Molecular Evolution. Communities. Ecological Applications.
Cell Biology
Course description:
An introductory survey of cell and developmental biology. The assembly of supramolecular structures; membrane structure and function; the cell surface; cytoplasmic membranes; the cytoskeleton and cell motility; the eukaryotic genome, chromatin, and gene expression; the cell cycle; organelle biogenesis, differentiation, and morphogenesis.
Course topics:
Membrane Structure - Lipids, Proteins. Membrane Dynamics. Membrane Transport - Permeases and Channels, Nucleocytoplasmic Exchange. Membrane Assembly - Signal Hypothesis, Translocation Machinery. Membrane Vesicular Traffic. Membrane Traffic to the Lysosome, Cholesterol Regulation. Membrane Transport - Action Potential, Synaptic Transmission. Membrane Fusion. Visualizing the Cytoskeleton. Actin Filament Structure and Dynamics. Actin Binding Proteins. Myosin and Muscle Contraction. Regulation of Actin Dynamics and Cell Movement. Intermediate Filaments. QUIZ, Microtubule Structure and Dynamics. Microtubule Motors and Motility. Nucleus and Chromosome Structure. Mitosis and Cytokinesis. Meiosis. Cell Communication. Receptors and Signaling. G Protein Coupled Receptors. GPCR Signaling and Second Messengers. Receptor Tyrosine Kinases. Ras-MAP Kinase Signaling. Regulation of Cell Growth. QUIZ, The Cell Cycle. The G1/S Transition. DNA Replication, G2 and Mitosis. Checkpoints. Apoptosis. Oncogenes and Cancer. Tumor Suppressors. Cancer.
General Biochemistry and Molecular Biology
Course description:
Molecular biology of prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells and their viruses. Mechanisms of DNA replication, transcription, translation. Structure of genes and chromosomes. Regulation of gene expression. Biochemical processes and principles in membrane structure and function, intracellular trafficking and subcellular compartmentation, cytoskeletal architecture, nucleocytoplasmic transport, signal transduction mechanisms, and cell cycle control.
Course topics:
Variations in DNA Structure. Principles of RNA Structure and Recognition. DNA Polymerases. The DNA Replication Fork. Other Replication Factors. Replication Origin and Ends - Regulation. DNA Analysis Methods. Chromatin and Chromosome Structure. Genome Structures. Genomics and Bioinformatics. Human Disease Genes. DNA Damage and Repair. Recombination and Repair in Cancer. Prokaryotic Transcription Apparatus. Control of Prokaryotic Transcription. Eukaryotic Transcription Apparatus and Methods to Analyze Transcription. Control of Eukaryotic Transcription. RNA Processing. Control of Translation. Introduction to Biological Membranes. Transport Across Membranes. Membrane Trafficking. Cell Signaling. Facilitated Difussion. Membrane Potential and Nerve Impulses. Ciculatory Pathway. Signal Sequence Hypothesis. Golgi. Common Elements in Signalling Pathways. Glucose Mobilization. Integrin Signaling. Cell Signaling and Apoptosis.
Microbiology and Immunology
Main course topics:
Immunology. Bacteriology. Virology. Parasitology. Mycology. Clinical Correlation.
Dynamics of Neural Networks: From Biophysics to Behavior
Talk topics:
Models of Object Recognition in Visual Cortex. A Model of Synchronous Parkinsonian Oscillation. Neuronal Representations Underlying Object Recognition in the Behaving Monkey. Modeling the Primary Visual Cortex. From Photons to Perception: The Absolute Sensitivity of the Visual System. Neural Circuit Dynamics, Oscillations, and Olfactory Codes. Clustering via Hilbert Space. Temporal Processing of Olfactory Circuitry. Relationship of Synaptic Structure and Function. Neuronal Population Codes and Distance Measures in Population Space. Noise as Signal. Electrical Synapses of Inhibitory Networks in the Forebrain. A Unified Model of Calcium Dependent Synaptic Plasticity. A Dissipative Approach to the Figure/Ground Problem. New Sites and Pathways for Regulation of Synaptic Transmission by Electrical Activity and Neuromodulators. Neural Mechanisms of Habit Formation: Cortico-basal Ganglia Loops. Temporal Control of Plasticity in Cortical Networks. Information Theory and Neural Coding: Can We Quantify Relevant Information? Dynamical Encoding by Networks of Competing Neuron Groups. Memory Reactivation in Hippocampal and Neocortical Neuronal Ensembles: A Window on Memory Consolidation? Pinwheels in Cortical Maps. Associative Learning and Delayed Neuronal Activity. Melting the Iceberg Effect. What does Neuronal Morphology Say About Neuronal Connectivity? Entrainment by Synchronized Inhibition Boosts Information Transfer in Neocortical Neurons. Toward the Molecular Basis of Memory. Perceptual decision making by slow reverberation. Neural Selection and Control of Gaze. The Coding of Intention in the Posterior Parietal Cortex. Role of Feedforward and Recurrent Cortico-Cortical Connections in the Implementation of Visual Routines. Predictability, Complexity and Learning. Dynamics of Responses and Selectivity in V1 Cortex. Why Does Mammalian Isocortex Differentiate into Layers?. Temportal Structure in Neuronal Activity in Macaque Parietal Cortex. Dynamics of Perceptual Bi-stability in Ambiguous Motion Displays. Transformations of Stimulus Representation Along the Ascending Auditory System. Vocal Control in the Songbird: Neural Mechanisms of Complex Sequence Generation. Representation and Storage of Tactile Events in Rat Cortex; Human Cortex. Spike-Time Dependent Synaptic Plasticity in an Electrosensory System. Localized Persistent Activity in Neural Networks. Signal-to-Noise Ratio in the Peripheral Auditory System. Neuro Biology for a Sense of Direction I. Visual to Motor Transformations and the Control of Prosthetic Devices. Rewiring Cortical Connections I. Modeling Layer 4 of Cat Visual Cortex: Orientation Tuning, Temporal Frequency Tuning, Normalization, and Development. Adaptation and Switching in Eye Movement Control. Information Processing by Depressing Synapses . Plasticity in Corticocortical Connections in the Visual System. Plasticity of Sensory and Motor Maps in Mature and Developing Primates. Learning to See. Molecular Regulation of Synapse Structure, Function, and Connectivity.
UC Berkeley General Biology 1A
Course description:
General introduction to cell structure and function, molecular and organism genetics, animal development, form and function. Intended for biological sciences majors, but open to all qualified students.
Course topics:
Life and the Stuff of Life. Macromolecules structure and function. Cell structure and organization. Biological membrane structure & organization. How cells function-an introduction to cellular metabolism and biological catalysts. Enzyme structure and function. Cellular energy and work. Cellular combustion and the production. Photosynthesis-from light to ATP and CO2 to sugars. How Somatic Cells (Mitosis) and Gametes (Meiosis) Inherit Genomes. The Laws that Govern the Inheritance of Traits - Segregation of Alleles. How Genes Organized on Chromosomes ? Linkage, Recombination, Mapping. Genes Are Made Of DNA. Gene Expression I - DNA is transcribed into RNA. RNA is translated into protein. Microbes - Viruses, Bacteria, Plasmids, Transposons. Regulation of Gene Expression in Prokaryote. Gene Structure & Regulation in Eukaryotes I. How To Isolate, Study and Use Genes. Genetic Regulation of Development. Introduction to Animals: Tissues and Organs. Homeostasis: Digestion & Nutrition. Circulation. Homeostasis: Respiration. The body's defenses. Homeostasis: The immune system. Osmoregulation. Integration: Hormones. Sex & reproduction. Integration: Fertilization & early development. Nerve Cells & Excitability. Integration: Muscle cells & motility. The nervous system. Sensing the environment.
UC Berkeley General Biology 1B
Course description:
General introduction to plant development, form, and function; population genetics, ecology, and evolution. Intended for students majoring in the biological sciences, but open to all qualified students. Students must take both Biology 1A and 1B to complete the sequence. Sponsored by Integrative Biology.
Course topics:
Protists, Fungi, Bryophytes. Labor Day. Pteridophytes and Gymnosperms. Angiosperms. Plant Form and Fluid Transport. Plant Nutrition, Hormones and Defenses. The Science of Ecology and Its Methods. Climate, Microclimate, and Biomass. Resources, Conditions and Fundamental Niches in Aquatic and Terrestrial Habitats. Autecology - Behavior and Life History Traits. Population Ecology. Species Interactions - Competition, Predation, and Parasitism. Herbivory, Detritivory, and Mutualism. Food Webs, Food Chains, and Species Interaction Strength. Disturbance and Succession. Ecosystem Ecology - Primary and Secondary Production. Elemental Cycling. Spatial Patterns of Species Richness, Island Biogeography, and the Design of Biodiversity Reserves. Global Change and Species Interactions with Ecosystems. The big picture and the big questions -- biodiversity!. History of evolution. Darwin and later. Cladistics. Molecular genetics. Tempo and mode in macroevolution. Early earth, continental drift, early life. Fossil record. Mendelian genetics,. Hardy Weinberg departures: genetic variation & drift. Selection. Speciation. Sociobiology and evolution in popular culture, other fields.
Biology Laboratory
Course topics:
Safety and Equipment Use. Biology Laborotory Principles. Ligation and Cells. Transform, Enzymes. Colony Isolation, Complementation, Photosynthesis. Plasmid Isolation and Digestion, Genetics and Molecular Biology. DNA Electrophoresis, GMB. Invertebrates. Anatomy. Reproduction and Development. Chordate Diversity.
Have fun becoming a biologist!
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