Physics Lectures
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They include videos on Escher and Droste effect, Sir Roger Penrose and new physics, Feynman, Nikola Tesla, gyroscopes, black holes, dark matter, dark energy, modern cosmology, origins of universe, theoretical physics, particle hydrodynamics, numeric relativity, plasma, astrophysics, superstring theory, LHC, gravity, OLED technology. Bonus material on lasers.
Escher and Droste Effect
Lecture description:
A lecture by professor Hendrik Lenstra. He explains the Escher famous works and Droste Effect in them. This is more mathematical lecture than physical but physicists will love it.
Fashion, Faith, Fantasy in the New Physics of the Universe
Lecture description:
This is a 3-part lecture by Sir Roger Penrose. He's world's leading expert in cosmology and mathematical physics. In these lectures he talks about how quantum mechanics and field theory is pretty wrong.
Video description:
This video shows how gyroscopes work via angular momentum and where they are used.
The Fifth Element: Astronomical Evidence for Black Holes, Dark Matter, and Dark Energy
Lecture description:
One of the remarkable successes of twentieth century astronomy was the demonstration that the laws of physics derived in the laboratory can successfully describe a wide range of astronomical objects and phenomena. One of the great hopes of twenty-first century physics is that astronomy can return the favor, by allowing us to explore physics that cannot be studied in the laboratory. As examples, Professor Tremaine described three exotic forms of matter that (so far) are known to exist only from astronomical observations: black holes, dark matter, and dark energy.
In the Beginning: Modern Cosmology and the Origin of Our Universe
Lecture description:
The quest for understanding the origin of our universe has been dramatically transformed since the expansion of the universe was discovered by Edwin Hubble in 1929, thanks to impressive advances in astronomical observations and laboratory experiments. Cosmology is now widely regarded as a precision science. Although confidence in our models has increased, deep questions remain unanswered. In this lecture, Zaldarriaga will focus on what we currently think happened during the earliest phases in the history of our universe and what we hope to learn in the next decades.
Prospects in Theoretical Physics 2009 (Princeton Institute for Advanced Study)
Lecture topics include:
Collisionless Dynamics and Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics. Computation Astrophysics. Geometric Methods for Orbit Integration. Grid-based Methods for Hydrodynamics, Magnetohydrodynamics, and Radiation Hydrodynamics. Kinetic Simulations of Astrophysical Plasmas. Computational Methods for Numerical Relativity. N Rigid-body Dynamics. Legacy Codes in Astrophysics. Self Consistent Cosmological Radiation Hydrodynamics.
Prospects in Theoretical Physics 2008 (Princeton Institute for Advanced Study)
Lecture topics include:
Basic Superstring Theory. Supersymmetric Grand Unification. LHC: a Crash Course. Introduction to F-theory. String Compactifications. Basics of String Phenomenology.
Prospects in Theoretical Physics 2007 (Princeton Institute for Advanced Study)
Lecture topics include:
Warped Conifolds and their Applications to Cosmology. High Energy scattering at strong coupling via AdS/CFT. 2+1-Dimensional Gravity Revisited.
The World's Largest Experiment
Lecture description:
This lecture discusses how the Large Hadron Collider is expected to provide further information about the standard model of particle physics, which describes the elementary particles and the forces acting between them. Among the potential discoveries the LHC may yield are new insights about the origin of mass, the physics of the early universe, new symmetries of nature and extra space dimensions. It will undoubtedly revolutionize our understanding of high energy physics.
The Evolution of Bodies Bound by Gravity
Lecture description:
Bodies bound by gravity can evolve in surprising ways. In accord with everyday experience and physical law, heat flows from regions of high to low temperature, and angular momentum from regions of fast to slow spin. However, counter to intuition, in bodies supported by thermal pressure, the hot regions become hotter, whereas in those supported by rotation, the regions of rapid spin spinup. Goldreich will explain this behavior and describe its ultimate consequences.
Feynman on Magnets
Video summary:
Richard Feynman answers a simple question of why two magnets interacts.
Nikola Tesla: The Greatest Inventor of All Time
Video summary:
The life story and work of Nikola Tesla. He invented AC electricity, Neon Lights, Radio transmission, The Electric motor, Wireless electricity transfer, Remote control, Hydraulics, Lasers, Space weapons, Robotics, and many, many more things.
MIT Explains OLED Using a Pickle
Video description:
Professor, Vladimir Bulovic does a delicious demonstration of how OLEDs are simply organic substrates sandwiched between electrodes. Eventually, he ditches the pickle and uses Sony's OLED XEL-1 to demonstrate exactly why OLED displays can be so thin and still look so good.
Lasers Explained in Pictures
Laser topics:
Basic mechanisms. The role of the optical cavity. The different temporal operating conditions. Different types of laser. Some examples of laser applications. Diode-pumped Nd: YAG laser. Spectroscopy of the neodymium ion. The amplifying medium pumped by a diode. Placing the Nd:YAG crystal in the cavity. Setting up the laser. Output power.
Have fun with these lectures! Until next month!
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Anonymous, at Tue Dec 01, 08:01:00 AM 2009
Thanks for lectures notes and videos.
Good job.
pialektron, at Thu Dec 03, 03:56:00 PM 2009
using videos is can understand the topic well..
internet solutions, at Fri Dec 18, 08:21:00 AM 2009
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