Physics Science Video Lectures
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They include: CERN summer school videos (particle physics and LHC). Videos from Kavli Institute for Theoretical Physics. Physics Talks from Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics. Lectures on String Theory, Black Holes, Fundamental Laws of Nature, Dark Matter, Moon, and search for new Suns. Lecture on Fluid dynamics. Astrophysics Workshop. Videos from Institute of Advanced Study. And some bonus lectures on geometry of manifolds, on evolutionary dynamics, and solving cubic equations!
CERN Summer School Videos 2007/2008
CERN 2008 Summer School Video Courses:
Introduction to Particle Physics (for non particle physicists). Introduction to CERN. Particle Accelerator Physics. Introduction to Nuclear Physics. Antimatter in the Lab (Experimental Particle Physics). Particle Detectors. Introduction to the CERN ROOT System. ROOT Demo Session. Fundamental Concepts in Particle Physics. Astroparticle Physics. Neutrino Physics. The Standard Model. Superconducting Magnets. Physics at Hadronic Colliders. Introduction to Cosmology. The ISOLDE Facility: Radioactive beams at CERN. Beyond the Standard Model. Introduction to Statistics. Introduction to Electronics. Data Acquisition Systems. Introduction to Medical Physics. Future Linear Colliders. Installation, Commisssioning and startup of the CMS experiment. From Heavy-Ion Collisions to Quark Matter. Matter-Antimatter Symmetry Violation and Matter Genesis. Installation, Commissioning and startup of the ATLAS experiment. From Raw Data to Physics Results. The CERN GRID. Commissioning and startup of the LHC accelerator. Particle Physics: The LHC and Beyond.
Additional topics from CERN 2007:
Introduction to Electronics for HEP. The LHC upgrade. Particle Physics Circa 2010.
What Is the Large Hadron Collider?
Short description:
Nobel Prize-winning physicist Frank Wilczek explains the Large Hadron Collider, how it works, and what scientists hope to discover with it.
Kavli Institute for Theoretical Physics Video Archive
Lectures archived:
Topology, Physics, and Complexity: The Birthing of the Quantum Computer. Mathematics and the Quantum Universe. Welcome to Your Brain: Why You Lose Your Car Keys but Never Forget How to Drive and Other Puzzles of Everyday Life. Citizen-Scientists and the Dawn of the Space Age. Challenges for Global Energy. Einstein's Blunder Undone: The Discovery of Cosmic Acceleration. Bringing Order to Chaotic Hearts. Putting Weirdness to Work: Quantum Information Science. The Nature of Space. The Search for Habitable Environments in the Solar System. Albert Einstein the Peacenik. From photons to perception: A physicist looks at the brain. Finding Planets and Searching for Life: Worthy Goals for 21st Century Science. The Interplay Between Art and Physics: Altering Perceptions of Reality. Neutrinos Get Under Your Skin. Geometry: Its Charm and Application. New Eyes for Space Exploration: Upgrading the Hubble Space Telescope. The World's Numerical Recipe. Building Things with Atoms: A Report from the Small Frontier. You Say You Want a Revolution: Planetary Systems Different from our Own. This Particular Elegant Universe: How Do We Measure It? Mr. Feynman's Quantum Mechanics: A Field Guide for Curious Characters. The Future of Gravity. Einstein's Clocks: High Theory and Lowly Technology. Spacetime Warps and the Quantum: A Glimpse of the Future. A New Form of Matter: Bose-Einstein Condensation and the Atom Laser. Duality, Spacetime and Quantum Mechanics. Taking the Measure of the Universe: How Big? How Old? How Do We Know?
Physics Talks at the Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics
Available video physics talks:
Anticipating A New Golden Age (on Standard Model). Time and Einstein in the 21st Century: The coolest stuff in the universe. Science Fiction and Reality. The Curious World of Probabilities. What Banged? Rocketeers: How a Visionary Band of Business Leaders, Engineers, and Pilots is Boldy Privatizing Space. The Physics of Information: From Entanglement to Black Holes. The Large Hadron Collider - World's Most Powerful Microscope. From Einstein's Intuition to Quantum Bits. Death of the Dinos: Giant Impacts and Biological Crises. Quantum Cryptography: A Tale of Secrets Hidden and Revealed Through the Laws of Physics. Life, the Universe, and the Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence (SETI). Fundamental Physics in 2010. Time and Motion. A Madman Dreams of Turing Machines: Limits of Truth and Mind. Impossible Crystals. Faster than the Speed of Light - Could the laws of physics change? The Quantum and the Cosmos. A Night with Nobel - The Origin of Mass and the Feebleness of Gravity. The Search for Miss Leavitt. Programming the Universe. Mission to Mars: Still Roving on the Red Planet. The Big Bang. Einstein - Relativity and Beyond. The Quest for Supersymmetry. From Einstein to Quantum Information. The Black Hole Wars. The Florentine Heretic? Galileo, the church and the cosmos. Harnessing the Quantum World. Proofs and Pictures: The Role of Visualization in Mathematical and Scientific Reasoning. The Stability of the Solar System.
String Theory, Black Holes, and the Fundamental Laws of Nature (Harvard)
Video lecture overview:
For centuries, we have been trying to understand the basic laws which govern the universe. The most promising candidate for our next step forward is string theory. Surprisingly, strings and black holes have been found to be inextricably intertwined, and the understanding of one is giving new insights into the other.
Video lecture topics:
Introduction from Professor Lisa Randall. The Scientific Quest: Understanding the Basic Laws of Nature. Einstein's General Theory of Relativity. The Problems of Quantum Mechanics and Unification. Understanding String Theory. Black Holes and String Theory. Audience Question and Answer by Andrew Strominger.
Leonard Susskind Explores Dark Matter
Short description:
Leonard Susskind addresses a controversial, and not well understood subject in theoretic physics: dark matter.
Death by Black Hole (by Neil DeGrasse Tyson)
Video lecture topics:
Death by black holes. How a black hole would kill you. Asteroids hitting the Earth. Apophis, the killer asteroid. If Apophis hits Earth. Earth, not good for life. Stopping an asteroid from hitting Earth. Deflecting an asteroid. Planetariums. 21st century astronomy.
How the Moon was Made?
Video lecture description:
NASA scientist Jennifer Heldmann shares the most popular theory of how the Moon was formed. By first explaining how the Earth formed by accretion, Heldmann says the Moon formed from a "huge impact" that "whacked" the young Earth.
How the Moon Affects Life on Earth?
Video lecture description:
Planetary scientist Jennifer Heldmann describes how the Moon has stabilized conditions on Earth. By understanding the history of the early solar system, Dr. Heldmann believes we can understand the conditions which gave rise to life on Earth.
Health Hazards of Moon Dust
Video lecture description:
Jennifer Heldmann explains the challenge posed by the dust on the Moon to astronauts. From both a mechanical and a human health standpoint, Heldmann believes this very fine, jagged dust may be detrimental to Moon expeditions.
A COMPLETE Search for New Suns (Harvard)
Video lecture description:
COMPLETE, or the COrdinated Molecular Probe Line Extinction Thermal Emission survey, is a collaboration among twelve researchers in five countries aimed at fully mapping nearly 1,000 square lights years of star-forming material in the Milky Way galaxy. Initiated in 2001, the survey uses ground- and space- based radio, infrared, and optical telescopes to study the motions and distribution of material destined to form new stars and planetary systems.
Video lecture contents:
Star and Planet Formation. Making Stars and Planets. Measuring Technique. Where, When, How and Why? COMPLETE For the World. Audience Questions & Answers.
The Fluid World: flows, films and foams (Harvard)
Fluid video lecture description:
What is fluid dynamics? A branch of classical physics. Applications abound in the applied sciences: all branches of engineering, geophysics, biology and chemistry. The study of fluid dynamics also provides a continual focus on the world around you: falling leaves, sports equipment, drug delivery, blood flow and breathing, airplane and watercraft designs, art ...
Fluid video lecture contents:
Introduction to the Fluid World. Fluid Dynamics: A Picture Tour. Mechanics in the Physical Sciences. Pendulums and Dimensional Analysis. Demonstrations of Surface Tension. Foams: Fluid Draining and Coarsening. Foams: Structural Properties. Coating Flows: Fibers and Surfaces. Fluid Dynamics in Art.
Astrophysics Workshop on Saturation and Transport Properties of MRI-driven Turbulence
Workshop overview:
The magnetorotational instability (MRI) is currently considered the most promising mechanism for driving the magnetohydrodynamic turbulence thought to enable efficient accretion in a wide range of astrophysical systems, from young stars to neutron stars and from galactic black holes to the massive black holes found in the centers of galaxies. Understanding this process is essential for explaining the properties of quasars, active galactic nuclei, stellar X-ray sources, cataclysmic variable stars, jets from young stars and galaxy centers, and perhaps even planetary systems. Because of this broad relevance, magnetohydrodynamic turbulence driven by the MRI has been a major focus of attention in astrophysics since the early 90's. These talks address current progress and future theoretical, numerical, and experimental challenges in this field.
Workshop videos:
An MRI Overview: Old Simmering Issues and New Directions. New Results from Shearing Box Studies of the MRI. Self Sustaining Cycle in Zero Net Flux MRI Turbulence. Models of Turbulent MHD Angular Momentum Transport Beyond the alpha Parametrization. MRI-driven Turbulence with Resistivity. Generalized Shearing Boxes for Multi-Scale Studies of MHD Turbulence. Numerical Simulations of the MRI: the Effect of Dissipation Coefficients. MRI-driven Turbulent Resistivity. Turbulent Dynamo Action. Small-scale Dynamo, the Structure of Isotropic MHD Turbulence, and the Role of Magnetic Prandtl Number. Large-scale Dynamo Action in MRI Disks. MRI-driven Turbulence and Dynamo Action - Cattaneo. The Role of Magnetic Reconnection in Angular Momentum Transport. Experimental Attempts to Study MRI and Related Instabilities in the Laboratory. The MRI in a Collisionless Plasma. Equilibrium Structure of Radiation-dominated Disk Segments. Thermodynamics and Spectra of Optically Thick Accretion Disks. Magnetic Fields and Jet Formation. Growth of the MRI in Protoplanetary disks. MRI Turbulence in Protostellar Disks.
Workshop on General Purpose Computation on Graphics Processing Units in Astronomy and Astrophysics (AstroGPU 2007)
Workshop overview:
Graphics processing units (GPUs) are rapidly emerging as a powerful and cost-effective platform for high-performance parallel computing. The current generation of GPUs sports capabilities in TFLOP range, already an order of magnitude greater than most powerful x86 CPUs. Such an increase in computational power opens opportunities to explore previously inaccessible problems in astronomy and astrophysics. However, it also brings the challenges of adapting existing algorithms and codes (and devising new ones) to run efficiently on intrinsically massively parallel SIMD/SPMD GPU architectures. The goal of this workshop is to explore and discuss the applicability of GPUs to astrophysical problems. It will bring together astrophysicists, colleagues from other areas of science where GPGPU techniques have been successfully applied, and representatives from the industry who will demonstrate in tutorial sessions the GPU hardware, programming tools, and GPGPU techniques.
Workshop videos:
Fast Summation of Potentials - the FMM on the GPU. Real-time Digital Signal Processing in Radio-Astronomy. A Graphics Hardware-Accelerated Real-Time Processing Pipeline for Radio Astronomy. CUDA Data Parallel Algorithms. CUDA N-Body on GPU. GPU Acceleration of Scientific Applications Using CUDA. GPU Applications at the University of Maryland. GPU Computing Overview. High Performance Direct Gravitational N-body Simulations on Graphics Processing Units. Internals of the CUNBODY-1 Library. CUDA Optimizations. The Future of Scientific GPU Computing.
Institute of Advanced Study (Princeton), School of Natural Sciences, Physics Lectures
Physics videos include:
The Fifth Element: Astronomical Evidence for Black Holes, Dark Matter, and Dark Energy. Prospects in Theoretical Physics 2008. The World's Largest Experiment. A Celebration of the Life and Work of John Norris Bahcall.
Bonus lecture: The Geometry of 3 Manifolds (Harvard)
Video lecture overview:
For 100 years the specter of a "fake 3-sphere" has haunted low-dimensional topology. Have the internet postings of a Russian mathematician vanquished the ghost? Professor McMullen's talk gives a glimpse of the mathematics behind the news.
Video lecture topics:
Introduction by Dr. Lisa Randall. The paradoxical shape of earth. Different surfaces require different geometries. What is the shape of the universe? How do you prove that something does not exist? Solving crossword puzzles with atom smasher. A great opera can take 100 years to write. Audience Q and A.
Bonus lecture: Evolutionary Dynamics (Harvard)
Video lecture description:
"Evolution is the unifying theory of all of biology," states Martin Nowak, professor of mathematics and biology at Harvard University. In this lecture, Professor Nowak discusses recent and fascinating advances in our understanding of evolutionary dynamics and its application to genes, quasispecies, games, cooperative behavior, and human language.
Video lecture topics:
Introduction: Evolutionary Dynamics. Evolutionary Game Theory. Cooperation and Evolutionary Game Analysis. Evolution of Cooperation. Fairness and Evolutionary Ultimatum. Conclusion: Evolutionary Dynamics. Audience Question and Answer.
Bonus lecture: Solving Cubic Equations
Video lecture description:
This 45-minute lecture by Professor Benedict H. Gross and Professor William A. Stein takes a modern approach to the ancient mathematical problem of solving cubic equations. This program explores various mathematical theorems dating back to a Babylonian tablet in 1800 B.C., to Isaac Newton's work on the law of universal gravitation, and to present-day solutions, including Professor Gross' work on the Gross-Zagier Theorem.
Video lecture topics:
Introduction to cubics. Pythogorean Triples. Quadratic and Cubic Equations. Rational Solutions. Modular Primes. Conclusion: Gross-Zagier Theorem. Audience Question and Answer.
Have fun watching these physics video lectures and until next time! :)
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