Free Science and Video Lectures Online!
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Saturday, March 31, 2007

Medicine Video and Audio Lectures

This time my findings in freely available medicine video lectures.

Before I list them here is a cool link to MIT OCW's video searching system which provides text searching in video streams! Just check it out!

Bacteriology (University of South Carolina)
Topics include:
The Bacterial Cell; Culture and Identification of Infectous Agents; External Layers of Vegetative Cells and Spores; Nutrition Growth and Metabolism; Antibiotics - Cell Envelope; Antibiotics - Protein Synthesis; Nucleic Acid Syntehsis and Metabolism; Exchange of Genetic Information; General Aspects of Bacterial Pathogenesis; Genetic Regulatory Mechanisms; Chlamydia; Rickettsia, Ehrlichia, Coxella, and Bartonella; Mycoplasma and Ureaplasma; Enterobacteriaceae - Vibrio and Campylobacter; Streptococcus pneumoniae and Staphylococci; Streptococci; Anaerobes and Pseudomonas; Neisseria and Spirochetes; Bordetella and Haemophilus; Mycobacteria, Corynebacteria and Legionella; Bacillus, Listeria and Eryseplothrix; Organisms of Bioterrorism; Brucella, Francisella and Yersinia.


Immunology (University of South Carolina)
Topics Include:
Innate Immunity; Immunoglobulins - Structure and Function; Antigens; Immunoglobulins - Genetics; Immunoglobulins - Isotypes Allotypes and Idiotypes; Antigen-Antibody reactions and Selected Tests; Antibody Formation; Major Histocompatibility Complex - Role in Immune Response; Lymphocytes and Antigen Recognitions; Antigen Processing and Presentation; Cell-Cell Interactions in Specific Immune Response; Cell Mediated Immunity; Major Histocompatibility Complex - Genetics and Role in Transplantation; Immunization; Autoimmunity; Tolerance; Hypersensitivity States; Tumor Immunology; Immunodeficiencies

Infectious Diseases (University of South Carolina)
Topics Include:
AIDS; Lower Respiratory Infections; Upper Respiratory Infections; Mycobacterial Infections; Infections of the skin and appendages, muscle and bone; GI Tract Infections; Urinary Tract Infections; Sexually Transmitted Diseases; Sepsis; Central Nervous System Infections

Mycology (University of South Carolina)
Topics Include:
Introduction to Mycology; Yeasts and Dermatophytes; Dimorphic Fungi; Opportunistic Fungi; Filamentous Fungi

Parasitology (University of South Carolina)
Topics Include:
Intestinal and Luminal Protozoa; Blood Protozoa; Nematodes; Cestodes; Trematodes and Arthropods

Virology (University of South Carolina)
Topics include:
Virus Definitions and Structure; Virus Structure, Classification and Replication; DNA Virus Replication Strategies; Influenza Virus; RNA Virus Replication Strategies; Viral Genetics; Picornaviruses and Enteroviruses; Herpes Virus; Parainfluenza, Respiratory Syncytial and Adeno viruses; Rotaviruses and other agents of gastroenteritis; Oncogenic viruses: DNA tumor viruses; Human Immunodeficiency Virus and AIDS; Retroviruses; Viral Zoonosis; Viral Chemotherapy; Slow Virus Diseases; Viral Zoonosis

Here is the link to all the information about these video lectues.

University of South Carolina also provides video lectures and lecture materials from 2005. Lectures 2005.

Genomic Medicine (MIT)
Topics include:
Genomic Introduction; Introduction to Biology and Genomic Measurement; Measurement Techniques; Microarray - Massively Parrallel Measuremment; Limits of Technologies; Information Science at the Center of Genomic Medicine; Complex Traits: What to Believe; Machine-learning Approach; Association with Markers; The Importance of Data Representation; Pharmacogenomics; Case Hx: Complex Traits; Individualized Pharmacology; Microarray Disease Classification; Direct Prediction of Outcome / Mortality; Case Hx: Cancer Diagnostics; Modelling and Reverse Engineering; Practical Genomic Medicine

Hundreds of Lectures from National Institutes of Health
Topics include everything you can imagine in medicine!

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