Lectures include: Human Anatomy, Comparative Physiology, Neurobiology, Physiological Chemistry, The Nobel Prize Winner Lectures in Physiology or Medicine, and some other video lectures about brain, RNAi and life.
General Human Anatomy (Integrative Biology 131, UC Berkeley, by Professor Marian Diamond)
Course topics:
Organization of Body. Skeletal System. Muscular System. Hematology. Cardiology. Blood Vascular System. Lymphatic System. Respiratory System. Neurohistology. Development of Nervous System. Spinal Cord and Nerves. Peripheral Nerves. Sensory and Motor Pathways. Motor Pathways. Forebrain. Eye. Digestive System. Urinary System. Endocrine System. Female Reproductive System. Male Reproductive System. Integumentary System.
Human Anatomy and Physiology I and II (35.101 and 35.102, University of Massachusetts Lowell, by Alease Bruce)
Course topics:
Cells. Tissues. Integument: Skin, Hair and Nails. Bone Tissue. Axial Skeleton. Appendages and Joints. Muscle Tissues and Physiology. Human Muscles. Nervous Tissues and Physiology. Spinal Cord and Spinal Nerves. Brain and Cranial Nerves. Autonomic Nervous System. Senses.
Anatomy on the Web
Anatomy videos include:
Medial and Lateral Pterygoid Plates. Zygomatic Bone. Carotid Canal. Foramen Spinosum. Greater and Lesser Petrosal Grooves. Vertebral Basilar System. Facial Nerve. Parotid Duct and Iliac Spine. Iliac Tuberosity and Iliac Spine. Left Sympathetic Trunk. Right Lung. Liver in Situ.
Physiological Chemistry (35.252, University of Massachusetts Lowell, by Thomas Wilson)
Course topics:
Matter and Life. Measurements. Atoms, Ions, Molecules. Solutions. Acids and Bases. Organic Chemistry. Amino Acids, Proteins. Enzymes, Vitamins. Carbohydrates. Lipids. Carbo Metabolism. Lipid Metabolism. Nucelic Acids. Protein Synthesis. Protein Metabolism.
Comparative Physiology (Biol 543, Medical University of South Carolina, by Dr. Richard Vogt)
Course topics:
Digestion: Transport. Secretion & Absorption. Hormonal Regulation. Chemical Communication. Storage & Release / Action. Examples. Circulation: Design & Evolution. Mammalian Heart & Vascular System. Regulation Blood Pressure / Volume. Gas Exchange: Anatomy - Global and Individual. O2 & CO2. Excretion: Detoxification & Osmoregulation. Mammalian Kidney. Kidney - Hormonal Regulation. Muscle: Movement Across Eukarya. Electrical Properties of Cells. Interactions between Actin and Myosin. Control of Muscle Contraction.
Neurobiology (Biol 635, Medical University of South Carolina, by Dr. Richard Vogt)
Course topics:
Hormones: Chemical Communication. Storage & Release / Action. Examples. Muscle: Movement across Eukarya. Electrical Properties of Cells. Interactions between Actin and Myosin. Control of Muscle Contraction. Lab: Cricket Circal System. Keeping and Mounting Crickets. Dissecting a Cricket. Intrumentation Tour. Student Work: Cricket Voltage Sensitivity. Cricket Habituation. Cricket Mapping a Pathway.
Basic Clinical Microbiology & Pathology (35.211, University of Massachusetts Lowell, by Guixin He)
Course topics:
Patient characteristics. Types of infections. Specimen requirements. Microscopic examinations. Specific organisms and their identification techniques. Treatment and procedures relating to that treatment. Principles of sterilization and disinfection. Cultivation of bacteria. Microbiology stains. Gram stain. Culture media. Microbiology laboratory. Spore forming bacilli. Rickettsiae and Chlamydiae. Agar disc diffusion susceptibility tests. Protozoan parasites. Signs and symptoms elicited in a patient's history and diagnosis. Natural course of disease. Pathophysiology of disease. Medical or surgical therapy.
Video Lectures of The Nobel Prize Winners in Physiology or Medicine
Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine 2007
"for discoveries of principles for introducing specific gene modifications in mice by the use of embryonic stem cells"
- Mario R. Capecchi: "Gene Targeting in the 21st Century: Mouse Models of Human Disease from Cancer to Psychiatric Disorders"
- Sir Martin J. Evans: "ES Cells: The Mouse Source - Vehicle for Mammalian Experimental Genetics"
- Oliver Smithies: "Turning Pages"
Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine 2006
"for discovery of RNA interference - gene silencing by double-stranded RNA"
- Andrew Z. Fire: "Gene Silencing by Double Stranded RNA"
- Craig C. Mello: "Return to the RNAi World: Rethinking Gene Expression and Evolution"
Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine 2005
"for discovery of the bacterium Helicobacter pylori and its role in gastritis and peptic ulcer disease"
- Barry J. Marshall: "Helicobacter Connections"
- J. Robin Warren: "Helicobacter . The Ease and Difficulty of a New Discovery"
Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine 2004
"for discoveries of odorant receptors and the organization of the olfactory system"
- Linda B. Buck: "Unraveling the Sense of Smell"
Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine 2003
"for discoveries concerning magnetic resonance imaging"
- Paul C. Lauterbur: "All Science is Interdisciplinary - from Magnetic Moments to Molecules to Men"
- Sir Peter Mansfield: "Snap-Shot MRI"
Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine 2002
"for discoveries concerning 'genetic regulation of organ development and programmed cell death'"
- Sydney Brenner: "Nature's Gift to Science"
- H. Robert Horvitz: "Worms, Life and Death"
- John E. Sulston: "C. elegans: The Cell Lineage and Beyond"
Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine 2001
"for discoveries of key regulators of the cell cycle"
- Leland H. Hartwell: "Yeast and Cancer"
- Sir Paul Nurse: "Controlling the Cell Cycle"
Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine 2000
"for discoveries concerning signal transduction in the nervous system"
- Paul Greengard: "The Neurobiology of Dopamine Signaling"
Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine 1999
"for the discovery that proteins have intrinsic signals that govern their transport and localization in the cell"
- Günter Blobel: "Protein Targeting"
Architecture of the Brain (MIT World)
Lecture description:
In this lecture Elly Nedivi provides an overview on the basics of brain anatomy, working her way up the spinal column to the deepest recesses of the cerebral cortex. Using vivid slides, we learn that physically distinguishable areas of the brain are responsible for specific functions, and that you can, for instance, build maps of the cortical areas dealing with each of the senses. Nedivi explains precisely why there is a safety zone in the spine for an epidural, and also show images of the earliest stages of embryonic brain development. While there are still deep mysteries hidden inside the human brain, Nedivi sheds light on the fascinating things that are known about this very complex human organ.
The Changing Brain (MIT World)
Lecture description:
How do our right and left eyes take in two separate streams of visual information and end up with a single view of the world? This question has come under intense scrutiny from neuroscientists for decades, and Mark Bear brings us up to date in his lecture. Single neurons in the visual cortex respond to particular stimuli (such as direction or color) and then the brain does some fancy filtering to process only the stimuli that match up in both eyes. Bear describes breakthrough experiments where researchers closed the eye of a kitten for just a day or so, and found that it was effectively "blind" after it opened. Correlating visual information to produce binocular images depends on neural connections that are forged during a "critical period" of visual cortex development. Bear's work with visual system neurotransmitters has turned up intriguing connections to conditions like Fragile X syndrome. This form of mental retardation may result from a similar loss of neural connections during a parallel critical period after birth.
Neurobiology of Memory: How Do We Acquire, Consolidate and Recall Memory (MIT World)
Lecture description:
In labs around the world, mice learn to navigate complex mazes, locate chocolaty rewards, and after an interval, run the mazes again with maximum efficiency, swiftly collecting all the sweets. But in Susumu Tonegawa's lab, the mutant mice he has created cannot perform these tasks. Tonegawa "knocks out" a gene that impairs a specific part of the mouse hippocampus, the area of the brain responsible for spatial memory, among other things. Mutant mice struggle to acquire and recall information about their surroundings. Tonegawa's work involves manipulating genes to explore memory and learning from the most basic biochemical and cellular levels, up to the most complex behaviors. One of Tonegawa's goals in designing defective mice is to simulate profound human disorders, like schizophrenia.
Cognitive Control: Understanding the Brain's Executive (MIT World)
Short lecture description:
We often take it for granted that we know the difference between a cat and a dog. Where and how do we store the visual information that categorizes "catness" in our minds, so that the next time we see a cat, we know that it is not a dog?
Vision: Challenges and Prospects
Lecture description:
In a fraction of a second, most of us can recognize a face in a crowd, or make out a face from a blurry image. Pawan Sinha focuses on our uncanny ability to recognize faces as a way of getting at one of the key problems of neuroscience: how our brains represent and then encode objects. He theorizes that facial perception is a holistic process: we broadly take in the relationship, for instance, of eyes, nose and mouth. He tested this hypothesis by creating a computer program that could similarly grasp facial structure, and the program was able to “see” a face within a larger picture. In his Hirschfeld Project, Sinha is trying to distill the caricaturists' understanding about the important landmarks of a face. He's discovered that you can shrink an image of a face to 13% horizontally or vertically, and it will still be recognizable. Sinha's work on how the brain perceives faces has immediate application in security surveillance systems, pedestrian-alert systems for cars, and in robotics. But closest to Sinha's heart is a new project in India, home to 30% of the world's blind, where he will assist and study children with recovered sight following congenital blindness.
The RNAi Revolution (MIT World)
Lecture description:
Phillip A. Sharp gives this lecture. He says: there's evidence that small RNAs injected directly into the eyeball can potentially silence interconnecting genes responsible for cancers in the back of the eye. The same technique might also work for cancers in the brain and lung, says Sharp. One challenge involves getting the highly water soluble RNA across the cell membrane. Nanoparticle packaging may help prevent the RNAs from being absorbed before they're delivered to the target area. Sharp also mentions experiments that suggest misregulation of small RNAs can cause cancer. "We as a field are now struggling with the issue of just what role short RNAs play in general in control of our genes and our normal physiological processes. It's getting really interesting."
Worms, Life and Death: Cell Suicide in Development and Disease (MIT World)
Lecture description:
Cancer, autoimmune diseases and viral infections result from too little programmed cell death. That's because cell division goes unchecked. There are also human diseases that occur because cells die when they should not: neurodegenerative disorders, retinal degeneration, liver disease, and heart attacks. As a result of Horvitz's work, many new targets have emerged for these diseases, some of which Horvitz himself is pursuing. Horvitz is now aiming his sights at different genetic regulators that tell certain types of cells to live or die, leading to novel therapies for some of our most formidable diseases.
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