This time a bunch of video lectures from the wide field of engineering! I present to you free video courses in electronics, mechanics and mechanical engineering, and civil engineering.
This is a follow up post to an earlier Engineering Video Lectures post which mostly contained Electrical Engineering video lectures.
Basic Electronics
Course syllabus:
1. Introduction to Basic Electronics. 2, 3. Electronic Devices 4. Some Useful Laws in Basic Electronics. 5. Some Useful Theorems in Basic Electronics. 6. Semi Conductor Diodes. 7. Applications of Diodes. 8. Wave Shaping using Diodes. 9. Zener Diode Characteristics. 10. Transistors. 11. Transistor Biasing. 12. Transistor Biasing. 13. Basic Characteristic of an Amplifer. 14. Hybrid Equivalent Circuit, H-Parameters. 15. Circuit Analysis using H-Parameters. 16. Frequency Response of Amplifiers. 17. Frequency Analysis. 18. Power Amplifiers. 19. Differential Amplifiers CKT. 20. Integrated Chip. 21. Typical Characteristic of Operation Amplifier. 22. Four Types of Feed Back. 23. Four Types of Feed Back. 24, 25. Mathematical Operations. 26. Mathematical Operations. 27. Characteristics of Operation Amplifier. 28, 29. Characteristics of Operation Amplifier. 30. Inverter/Non-Inverter Circuits. 35. Oscillatiors. 36. Logarthmic and Anti-Logarthmic Amplifer. 37. Filters. 38. Unit Junction Transistor. 39. Silicion Controlled Rectifier. 40. Field Effect Transistor.
Digital Circuits and Systems
Course syllabus:
1, 2. Introduction to Digital Circuits. 3. Combinatioal Logic Basics. 4. Combinatioal Circuits. 5. Logic Simplification. 6. Karnaugh Maps And Implicants. 7. Logic Minimization Using Karnaugh Maps. 8. Karnaugh Map Minimization Using Maxterms. 9. Code Converters. 10. Parity Generator And Display Decoder. 11. Arithmetic Circuits. 12. Cary Look Ahead Adders. 13. Subtractors. 14. 2's Complement Subtractor And BCD Adder. 15. Array Multiplier. 16. Introduction to Sequential Circuits. 17. S-R, J-K and D Flip Flops. 18. J-K and T Flip Flops. 19. Triggering Mechanisms of Flip Flops and Counters. 20. Up/Down Counters. 21. Shift Registers. 22. Application of Shift Registers. 23. State Machines. 24. Design of Synchronous Sequential Circuits. 25. Design Using J-K Flip Flop. 26. Mealy and Moore Circuits. 27. Pattern Detector. 28. MSI and LSI Based Design. 29. Multiplexer Based Design. 30. Encoders and Decorders. 31. Programmable Logic Devices. 32. Design using Programmable Logic Devices. 33. Design using Programmable Logic Devices. 34, 35. MSI & LSI based Implementation of Sequential Circuits. 36. Design of Circuits Using MSI Sequential Blocks. 37, 38. System Design Example. 39. System Design Using the Concept of Controllers. 40. System Design Using the Concept of Controllers.
High Speed Devices & Circuits
Course syllabus:
1. Introduction to Basic Concepts. 2. Requirements of High Speed Devices, Circuits & Materials 3. Classifications & Properties of Compound Semicond. 4, 5. Temary Compound Semiconductor and their Application. 6. Crystal Structures in GaAs. 7. Dopants and impurities in GaAs and InP. 8. Brief Overview of GaAs Technology for High Speed. 9. Epitaxial Techniques for GaAs High Speed Devices. 10. MBE and LPE for GaAs Epitaxy. 11. GaAs and InP Devices for Microelectronics. 12-14. Metal Semiconductor contacts for MESFET. 15. Ohmic Contacts on Semiconductors. 16. Fermi Level Pinning & Schottky Barrier Diodes. 17, 18. Schottky Barrier Diodes. 19. Causes of Non-Idealities-Schottky Barrier Diodes. 20. MESFET Operation & I-V Characteristics. 21. MESFET I-V Characteristics Shockley's Model. 22. MESFET Shockley's Model and Velocity saturation. 23. MESFET Velocity Saturation effect. 24. MESFET Drain Current Saturation. 25. MESFET Effects of Channel Length. 26. MESFET: Effects of Velocity Saturation. 27. Velocity Field Characteristics. 28. MESFET-SAINT. 29. SELF Aligned MESFET-SAINT. 30. Hetero Junctions. 31, 32. Hetero Junctions & HEMT. 33. High Electron Mobility Transistor. 34. HEMT-off Voltage. 35. HEMT I-V Characteristics and Transconductance. 36. Indium Phosphide Based HEMT. 37. Pseudomorphic HEMT. 38-41. Hetrojunction Bipolar Transistors (HBT).
Solid State Devices
Course syllabus:
1. Introduction. 2. Evolution and Uniqueness of Semiconductor Technolo. 3-11. Equilibrium and Carrier Concetration. 12-14. Carrier Transport. 15, 16. Excess Carriers. 17, 18. Procedure for Device Analysis. 19-25. PN Junction. 26-32. Bipolar Junction Transistor. 33-37. Metal-Oxide-Semiconductor (MOS) Junction. 38-41. MOS Field Effect Transistor.
Power System Generation, Transmission and Distribution
Course syllabus:
1. Electric Energy Systems. 3. Conventional Sources of Electric Energy. 4. Hydroelectric Power Generation. 5. Non Conventional Energy Sources. 6. Renewable Energy 7. Energy Storage. 8. Deregulation. 9. Air Pollutants. 10. Transmission Line Parameters. 11. Capacitance of Transmission Lines. 12. Characteristics and Performance of Transmission. 13. Voltage Regulation. 14. Power Flow through a line. 15. Methods of Voltage Control. 16. Compensation of Transmission Lines. 17. Compensation of Transmission Lines 18. Underground Cables. 20. Insulators for Overhead Lines. 21, 22. HVDC. 23. Distrubution Systems. 24. Automatic Generation Control. 26. Load Flow Studies. 27, 28. Load Flow Problem. 29. Newton Raphson (NR). 30. Fast Decoupled Load Flow. 31. Control of Voltage Profile. 32. Optimal System Operation. 33. Optimal Unit Commitment. 35. Optimal Load Flow.
Transmission Lines and Electromagnetic (EM) Waves
Course syllabus:
1. Transmission Lines: Treansmission line model, telegraphist equations, characteristic impedance, and velocity. Termination, reflection, input impedance, and standing waves (resonance). Applications of transmission lines. Artificial tlines, dispersion relation, and group velocity.
2. Microwave circuits: Power dividers, directional couplers, and microstrip filters.
3. EM Waves: Electric fields. Magnetic fields. Electromagnetic induction. Displacement currents; Maxwell's Equations. Electromagnetic Properties of Matter. Dielectric, ferroelectricity; dielectrophoresis. Diamagnetism, paramagnetism, and ferromagnetism; diamagnetic levitation. EM wave propagation in free space and dielectric, polarization, and Poynting theorem. EM wave propagation in a good/perfect conductor; plasma oscillation. Waveguides. Parallel plate waveguides and general formulation for guided waves; propagation modes (TE, TM, and TEM). Rectangular waveguides. Waveguides Resonators (Cavities). Strip resonators, dielectric resonators, ring resonators, and Fabry-Perot resonators.
4. Radiation and Antennae: Radiation Fundamentals. Electrodynamics, retarded potential, and Wienard-Richard potential. Radiation from a Dipole
topics. Near- and far-field calculation, radiation resistance, antenna patterns, and
dipole antennae. Various Antenna Types. Dipole antennae, loop antennae, and phased-array antennae. Receiving Antennas.
Digital VLSI System Design
Course syllabus:
1. Introduction to VLSI Design. 2. Combinational Circuit Design. 3. Programmable Logic Devices. 4. Programmable Array Logic. 5. Review of Flip-Flops. 6. Sequentional Circuits. 7. Sequentional Circuits Design. 8. MSI Implementation of Sequential Circuits. 9. Design of Sequentional CircuitsUsing One Hot Contr. 10. Verilog Modeling of Combinational Circuits. 11, 13. Modeling of Verilog Sequential Circuits. 13. RTL Coding Guidelines. 14, 15. Coding Organization - Complete Realization. 16. Writing a Test Bench. 17. System Design Using ASM Chart. 18. Examples, System Design Using ASM Chart. 19, 20. Examples of System Design Using Sequentional Circuits. 21, 22. Microprogrammed Design. 23. Design Flow of VLSI Circuits. 24, 25. Simulation of Combinational Circuits. 26, 27. Analysis of Waveforms Using Modelsim. 28. Modelsim Simulation Tool. 29, 30. Synthesis Tool. 31. Synplify Tool - Schematic Circuit Diagram. 32. Technology View using Synplify Tool. 33. Synopsys Full and Parallel Cases. 34, 35. Xilink Place & Route Tool. 36. PCI Arbiter Design Using ASM Chart. 37. Design of Memories - ROM. 38. Design of Memories - RAM. 39. Design of External RAM. 40-42. Design of Arithmetic Circuits. 43-47. System Design Examples. 48, 49. System Design Examples Using FPGA Board. 50. Advanced Features of Xilink Project Navigator.
Refrigeration and Airconditioning
Course syllabus:
1. History of Refrigeration. 2. Refrigerant Compressors and Development. 3. Applications of RTAC. 4. Review of Fundamentals. 6. Fundamentals of Fluid Flow. 7. Fundamentals of Heat Transfer. 8. Methods of Producing Low Temperatures. 9. Air Cycle Refrigeration Systems. 10. Vapour Compression Refrigeration Systems. 11. Vapour Compression Refrigeration Systems. 12, 13. Vapour Compression Refrigeration Systems(contd.). 14-17. Vapour Absorption Refrigeration Systems. 18-19. Worked Out Examples (Problems and Solutions) 20-25. Compressor. 26, 27. Condensers. 28. Condensers and Evaporators. 30, 31. Expansion Devices. 32. Analysis of Complete Vapour Compression System. 33. Refrigerants. 34. Psychrometry. 35. Psychrometric Processes. 36. Inside Design Conditions Thermal Comfort. 37. Psychrometry of Air Conditioning Systems. 38. Air Conditioning Systems. 39. Cooling & Heating Load Calculations. 40-42. Cooling and Heating Load Calculations. 43. Selection of Air Conditioning Systems. 44-45. Transmission and Distribution of Air. 46. Space Air Distribution.
Water & Wastewater Engineering
Course syllabus:
1. Introduction to Water & Waste Water Engineering. 2. Water and Waste. Water Quality Enhancement. 3, 4. Water Quality Estimation. 5, 6. Water Characteristics. 7. Water Treatment System Unit Operations. 8, 9. Sedimentation. 10, 11. Coagulation and Flocculation. 12. Softening. 13, 14. Filtration. 15. Disinfection. 16. Introduction to Domestic Waster. Water Treatment. 17. Physical Unit Processes for Waste Water Treatmen. 18, 19. Introduction to Microbiology. 20. Waste Water Treatment Reactor Analysis. 21. Biological Unit Processes. Activated Sludge Process. 22, 23. Activated Sludge Process Modifications. 24. Aeration, Nitrification and Denitrification. 25. Natural Waste Water Treatment Systems: Ponds & Lagoo. 26. Attached Growth Aerobic Process. 27, 28, 29, 30, 31. Anaerobic Treatment. UASB. Sludge Treatment. 32. Wastewater Disposal and Reuse. 33. Advanced Wastewater Treatment. 34. Adsorption. 35. Ion Exchange, Advanced Oxidation Processes. 36. Industrial Wastewater Treatment. 37. Water Distribution Networks. 38. Sanitary Sewerage System. 39. Stormwater Sewerage System. 40. Intake structures and Pumping Installations.
Prestressed Concrete Structures
Course syllabus:
1. Prestressing System. 2. Type of Prestressing. 3, 4. Prestressing System and Devices (Pre-Tensioning). 5. Concrete 6. Concrete, Grout. 7. Prestressing Steel. 8. Losses in Prestress. 9. Friction & Anchorage Slip. 10. Creep, Shrinkage and Relaxation Losses. 11. Analysis of Members. 12. Analysis of Members Under Flexure. 13. Cracking Moment, Kern Point and Pressure Line. 14. Analysis of Rectangular sections. 15. Analysis of Flanged Sections. 16. Analysis of Partically Prestressed Section. 17. Design of Members. 18. Design of Members for Flexure (Type 1 Members). 19. Design of Members for Flexure (Type2 & Type3). 20. Choice of Sections and Determination of Limiting. 21. Magnel's Graphical Method. 22. Detailing Requirements. 23. Analysis and Design for Shear and Torsion. 24, 25. Design for Shear. 26-28. Analysis of Torsion. 29. Calculations of Deflection and Crack Width. 30. Transmission of Prestress. 31. Post-tensioned Members. 32. Cantilever Beams. 33, 34. Continuous Beams 35. Composite Sections. 36. One-Way Slabs. 37, 38. Two-Way Slabs. 39. Compression Members. 40. Circular Prestressing.
Advanced Strength of Materials
Course topics:
Stresses, Principal Stresses, Strain Energy. Failure Criteria. Plastic Torsion & Noncircular Shafts. Plastic Bending & Curved Beams. Deflection Of Beams. Unsymmetric Bending Of Beams. Columns. Energy Methods. Beams On Elastic Foundations.
Mechanical Measurements and Metrology
Course syllabus:
1. Introduction to the Study of Mechanical Measuremen. 2, 3. Errors in Measurement. 4. Propagation of Errors. 5, 6. Regression Analysis. 7, 8. Design of Experiments. 9. Temperature Measurement. 10. Overview of Thermometry. 11, 12. Thermoelectric Thermometry. 13. Measurement of Temperature Under Various Conditio. 14. Errors in Temperature Measurement. 15. Measurement of Transient Temperature and Resistan. 16. Resistance Thermometry. 17. Resistance Thermometry and Pyrometry. 18, 19. Pyrometry. 20-23. Pressure Measurement. 24. Transient Response of Pressure Transducers. 25. Transient Response of Pressure Transducers. 26. Measurement of High Vacuum. 27. Measurement of Fluid Velocity. 28. Hot Wire Anemometry and Laser Doppler Velocimetry. 29. Laser Doppler Velocimetry and Ultrasonic Methods. 30, 31. Measurement of Heat Flux. 32. Trasient Method of Heat Flux Measurement. 33. Measurement of Volume and Mass Flow Rate of Fluid. 34. Flow Measuring Devices. 35. Measurement of Stagnation and Bulk Mean Temperatu. 36. Measurement of Themo-Physical Properties. 37. Measurement of Thermal Conductivity. 38. Measurement of Heat Capacity and Heating Value. 39, 40. Measurement of Viscosity. 41. Integrating Sphere and Measurement of Emissivity. 42, 43. Measurements of Gas Composition. 44. Measurements of Gas Composition and Smoke. 45. Measurement of Force. 46. Force Measurement. 47. Vibration and Acceleration Measurement. 48. Laser Doppler Accelerometer, Speed, Torque. 49. General Issues in Mechanical Mearurement.
Kinematics of Machines
Course topics:
Kinematic concepts: Links, kinematic pairs, kinematic chains, mechanism and inversions, single and double slider crank chains, straight line motion mechanisms, Velocity and acceleration. Relative velocity methods, instantaneous center of rotation, centroids, acceleration diagram, acceleration center. Friction devices, introduction to friction, belt, chain arnd rope drive, transmission of power through friction clutch, fundamental law of gearing, classification of gears and basic terminology. Geometric and kinematic characteristics of involute and cycloidal tooth profiles, under cutting and interference, gear trains, simple, compound and planetary, tooth load and torque. Balancing: balancing of revolving in the same irlane by a single revolving mass, balancing of several revolving masses in different planes by two revolving masses in suitable planes.
Dynamics of Machines
Course syllabus:
1. Rigid Body Motion. 2. Dynamic Force Analysis of Mechanisms. 3. Space Motion of Rigid Bodies. 4. Inertia Tensor & Angular Momentum. 5. Euler's Equation of Motion. 6. Gyroscopic Action in Machines. 7. Unbalance in Machines. 8. Rotary Balancing. 9. Balancing Machines. 10. Field Balancing of Rotars. 11. Single-Cylinder Engine Balancing. 12. Balancing of Single Slider Machines. 13. In-Line Engine Balancing. 14. Radial Engine Balancing. 15. Turning Moment Diagram. 16. Flywheel Analysis. 17. Dynamics of Machines. 18. Rotating Vector Approach. 19. Equivalent viscous damping. 20. Dynamics of Machines. 21. Systems with two degree of freedom. 22. Tuned Vibration Absorber. 23. Design of Vibration Absorbers. 24. Flexibilty Matrix & Influence Coeffients. 25. Forced Vibration of multiple degrees. 26. Vibration of Continuous Systems. 27. Vibration of Continuous Systems. 28. Vibration of Beams. 29. Rayleigh's method. 30. Rayleigh-Ritz Method. 31. Vibration Measurement. 32. Types of Pickups.
Fluid Mechanics
Course topics:
Includes stress and strain descriptions. Fluid statics. Differential and finite control volume analysis with continuity. Momentum, Energy, Bernoulli and Euler equations. Vorticity, potential flow, incompressible viscous flow. Navier-Stokes equations. Dimensional analysis, pipe flow, boundary layers, separation, introduction to turbulence.
Finite Element Method
Course topics:
Intro to Finite Elements, 1D elements, orientation, assembly, boundary conditions, loads, solution. Stress-strain relation, small displacement, 2D and 3D elements, "defects," interpolation. Loads and sources, nature of FE results. FE formulation, energy, variational and Rayleigh-Ritz methods. FE computations, hybrid elements. Weighted-residual methods, Isoparametric elements. Numerical quadrature, reduced integration, geometry. Validity. Isoparametric triangles. Coordinate transformation, anisotropy. Error analysis and convergence. Error estimation. P-method. Modeling considerations.
Have fun with these lectures this month, and until next time!
A short history film
Those were great! Thanks for the videos.
ReplyDeleteThanks A Lot Thats Wonderful List of Videos.
ReplyDeletewoov. this's great. That's a good and helpful article. I'm mechanical engineer and I like this. Thanks a lot...