Introduction to Business and Management (Course W200, Indiana University)
- Business & Management Video Lectures (19 lectures, Broadband quality)
- Business & Management Video Lectures (19 lectures, Modem quality)
Course topics:
Course Introduction, 'Free Enterprise', & Economic Systems, Global Business in a Global Economy, Business Forms: Sole Proprietorships and Partnerships, Business Forms: Corporations and Limited Liability Companies, Entrepreneurship and Small Business, The Management Process, Managerial Issues: Directing, Decision Making, and Business Teams, Organizational Issues & Styles: Legal, Ethical, & Culture, Accounting: 'Keeping Score', an Introduction, Accounting: 'The Rules', Accounting Environment, Accounting: 'The Financial Statements', Finance: Financial Markets and Institutions, Finance: Financial Management, Analysis & Ratios, Marketing Introduction: Utility Values & Exchange, Customers & Markets, Marketing Mix, The Product: Life-Cycle, Product Development, Branding, Packaging & Labeling, Marketing Mix, Price & Place: Supply & Demand, Breakeven, Pricing Strategy & Methods, Channels of Distribution, Marketing Mix, Promotion: Advertising, Promotion, Personal Selling & Public Relations, Marketing Strategy: Strategy Implementation, Customer Satisfaction, Summary and Review.
Foundations of Finance (Course F200, Indiana University - Kelly School of Business)
- Video Lectures (16 lectures)
Course includes:
Video: "The Role of the CFO", Goal of Financial Management, Types of Financial Decisions, The Fundamental Priciple of Finance, Finance & Governance (Forms of Business Organization, Agency Problems, Ethics & Social Responsibility, Video: "Financial Markets"), Financial Statements & Cash Flow (Accountng vs Finance Applications, Using Financial Statements, The Income Statement, The Balance Sheet, Operating Cash Flow, Free Cash Flow), Financial Statements & Measuring Firm Performance (The Concept of Ratio Analysis, Types of Financial Ratios, Video: "Economic Value Added", ), Financial Statements & Maximizing Firm Performance (The DuPont System of Analysis, Comparative Financial Analysis, The General Principles), Financial Forecasting (Key Concepts, Percentage of Sales Method, Using the Percentage of Sales Approach, Required New Funds (RNF)), Growth & Financial Policy (Sales Growth & Asset Needs, Elements of Growth, Internal Growth Rate (IGR), Sustainable Growth Rate (SGR)), Working Capital Strategies (What is Working Capital?, Seasonality & Working Capital, High Liquidity, Low Liquidity), Financing Working Capital (Why Carry Cash Balances?, The Goal of Cash & Liquidity Management, The Cash Flow Cycle, Managing the Cash Flow Cycle, Lockbox & Float Management), Investing in Liquid Assets (The Investment in Accounts Receivable, The Operating Cycle, Managing the Operation Cycle, Credit Terms, Mitigating Factors in Credit Terms), Inventory & Optimal Current Asset Policy (Shortage Costs, Carrying Costs, Total Cost Curve, Economic Order Quantity, Just in Time (JIT) Management), Short Term Financing (Key Sources, Trade Credit (Spontaneous Financing), Bank Loans, Commercial Paper, Factoring, Inventory Loans), Time Value of Money Concepts (Video: "Time Value of Money: The Big Picture", Future Value, Present Value, Annuities, Using Annuity Factors), Time Value of Money Applications (Video: "Capital Budgeting", Video: "Bonds", Growing Perpetuities, Firm Value), Finance: The Big Picture (Risk & Return, The Cost of Capital, The Foundations of Financial Management, Video: "Careers").
Foundations of Accounting (Course A200, Indiana University - Kelly School of Business)
- Video Lecture Course (18 lectures).
Course includes:
Accounting and Business, Double-Entry Accounting, Accrual and Cash Basis Accounting, Merchandising Accounting, Internal Control, Receivables & Inventory, Inventory, Inventory & Depreciation, Depreciation, Stocks & Bonds, Debt vs Equity & Financial Statement Analysis, Ratio and Financial Statement Analysis, Managerial Accounting, Cost Behavior and Cost-Volume-Profit Analysis, Differential Analysis, Budgeting & Standard Cost, Decentralized Operations, Capital Investment Analysis.
Accounting and the Business Environment (Course A186, Indiana University)
- Video Lecture Courses (13 lectures)
Course topics:
Introduction to Accounting and Business (Business Environment, Types & Forms of Organization, Stakeholders, Accounting Profession, Roles & Governance, Interview with Bill Steckel, Norwood CFO), Basic Accounting and Financial Reporting Concepts (Accounting Objectives, Qualitative Characteristics, Accounting Elements, Balance Sheet, Income Statement, Statement of Stockholders' Equity, Statement of Cash Flows), Financial Statements are Related (Articulation, Assumptions, Principles, Constraints, GAAP, ), The Business Organization & Financing (Function & Form, Researching an Industry, Developing a Strategic Plan, Forming a Corporation, Organizational Structure, Debt Financing, Interest Calculations), Business Performance (Classifying Costs, Cost Behavior, Contribution Margin Income Statement, CVP Analysis, Breakeven Analysis, CVP Income Statement), The Accounting Cycle (Overview-Accounting Cycle, Analyzing, Journalizing, Posting to the GL, Preparing TB & Worksheet, Debits & Credits, Accounts, Cash & Freight Terms), Completing the Accounting Cycle (Bank Reconciliation, Adjusting Entries, EPS & Income Statement, Statement of Stockholders' Equity, Balance Sheet, Closing Entries), Analytical Review & Cash (Analysis Information, Trend Statements, Common Size Statements, Cash Management, Video: Bill Steckel, Norwood), Relevant Information for Internal Operations (Fixed vs. Variable Costs, High Low Method, Relevant vs. Irrelevant Costs, Equipment Replacement, Special Orders), Relevant Information for Managerial Decisions (Make or Buy Decisions, Outsourcing Services, Add or Close Product Lines), Capital Assets (The Capital Budget, Interest Basics, Future & Present Value, Payback, Net Present Value, Profitability Index, Internal Rate of Return), External Financial Reporting (Meeting the Needs of Various Users, Video: Interview with Rogelio Lara, Dow AgroSciences, Depreciation Methods, Inventory Methods), External Reporting for Public Companies (Accounting Trends, Video: Interview with Lindsey Schiesser, Deloitte, Ethics & Scandals, Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002, Video: Interview with Rogelio Lara, Dow AgroSciences, Understanding Annual Reports).
Personal Finance (Course F260 - Indiana University, Kelly School of Business)
- Video Lectures (14 lectures)
Course topics:
1: Personal Financial Planning In Action (Making Financial Decisions, Developing & Achieving Financial Goals, Opportunity Costs & the Time Value of Money, A Plan for Personal Financial Planning). 2: Money Management Skills (A Successful Money Management Plan, Personal Financial Statements, A Plan for Effective Budgeting, Money Management & Achieving Financial Goals). 3: Taxes in Your Financial Plan (Taxes in Your Financial Plan, The Basics of Federal Income Tax, Filing Your Federal Income Tax Return, Selecting Tax Planning Strategies). 4: Savings and Payment Services (What Financial Services Do You Need?, Selecting a Financial Institution, Comparing Savings Plans, Comparing Payment Methods). 5: Consumer Credit: Advantages, Disadvantages, Sources & Costs (What is Consumer Credit?, Types of Credit, Applying for Credit, The Cost of Credit, Protecting Your Credit). 6: Wise Buying of Motor Vehicles & Other Purchases (Consumer Buying Activities, Making Major Consumer Purchases: Buying Motor Vehicles, Resolving Consumer Complaints, Legal Options for Consumers). 7: Selecting and Financing Housing (Evaluating Renting and Buying Alternatives, Home-Buying Activities, The Finances of Home Buying, A Home-Selling Strategy). 8: Home & Automobile Insurance (Insurance & Risk Management, Home & Property Insurance, Home Insurance Costs Factors, Automobile Insurance Coverages, Automobile Insurance Costs). 9: Health & Disability Income Insurance (Health Insurance & Financial Planning, Health Insurance Coverage, Health Insurance Trade-Offs, Private Health Care Plans & Government Health Care Programs, Disability Income Insurance). 10: Financial Planning with Life Insurance (What Is Life Insurance?, Types of Life Insurance Companies & Policies, Selecting Provisions & Buying Life Insurance, Financial Planning with Annuities). 11: Investing Basics and Evaluating Bonds (Preparing for an Investment Program, Factors Affecting the Choice of Investments, Factors that Reduce Investment Risk, Conservative Investment Options, The Decision to Buy or Sell Bonds). 12: Investing in Stocks (Common & Preferred Stock, Evaluating a Stock Issue, Numerical Measures That Influence Investment Decisions, Buying and Selling Stocks, Long-Term & Short-Term Investment Strategies). 13: Investing In Mutual Funds (Why Investors Purchase Mutual Funds, Classifications of Mutual Funds, How to Make a Decision to Buy or Sell Mutual Funds, The Mechanics of a Mutual Fund Transaction). 14: Retirement & Estate Planning (Planning for Retirement, Your Retirement Income, Estate Planning, Legal Aspects of Estate Planning).
Marketing and Society (Course M200, Indiana University)
- Video Lectures (16 lectures)
1: What is Marketing?, The Evolution of the Marketing Concept. 2: Strategic Planning, Strategic Planning Process, Analyzing the Environment. 3: Think Globally, Act Locally. 4: The Importance of Continuous Market Research, The Market Research Process. 5: Consumer Behavior: The Decision Making Process, Consumer Behavior: Influences, Situational/Social, Consumer Behavior: Internal Influences. 6: B2B: Understanding the Business Market, B2B: The Buying Decision. 7: Segmenting the Market, Targeting Your Market. 8: Understanding the Product, New Product Development & Acceptance. 9: Product Management: The PLC, Branding & Packaging. 10: Marketing What Isn't There. 11: Pricing Objectives & Calculations, Pricing Tactics & Strategies. 12: Marketing Communications, Promotional Strategy. 13: Advertising, Public Relations & Direct Marketing. 14: Sales Promotions, Personal Selling, Sales Management. 15: Marketing Channels & Their Functions, Channel Design, Logistics. 16: Retailing.
Foundations of Operations & Supply Chain Management (Course P200, Indiana University)
- Operations Management Video Lectures (14 lectures)
1: An Introduction to Processes (A Look Ahead at the Course, The Process Spectrum, Getting to Know Some Processes). 2: Services (What is a Service?, Service Tasks, Standards, and Delivery, Some Propositions about Service). 3: Capacity & Bottlenecks (Bottlenecks & Process Flow Diagrams, Bottlenecks & the Inventory Build-Up Graph, The Causes of Bottlenecks). 4: Bottlenecks & Balance (Assembly Line Balance, Calculating Line Balance, Variability & Bottlenecks). 5: Making Quality Happen (Defining Quality, Improving Quality, Getting & Keeping Control of the Process). 6: Planning Production (Matching Resources & Demands, Aggregate Planning-The Chase vs. Level Dec., Aggregate Planning-An Example). 7: Inventories (The Different Uses of Inventory, Anticipating Use-Material Requirements Planning, Time-Independent Inventories). 8: Inventories, Schedules, and Control (Inventories & Scheduling, Controls on Production, Control for a Project-The Critical Path Concept). 9: Just-In-Time Manufacturing (JIT Precepts 1, JIT Precepts 2, JIT Precepts 3). 10: Swift, Even Flow (The Theory in Brief, Defending the Theory-The Logic, Defending the Theory-The History). 11: Building Additional Capacity (The Decision for New Capacity, Decision About the Supply Chain, Coordinating the Supply Chain). 12: Learning & Productivity (Product Development & Process Change, The Learning Curve, Classifying Mfg. & Service Processes). 13: Operations Strategy 1 (The Strategy Process, Factory Focus, Performance Measurement). 14: Operations Strategy 2 (Process Choice-The Big Decision, Process Choice-The Smaller Decisions, The Mentality of Operations Success).
Lecture features:
Project Management (The Alton Bridge), Queueing (Walt Disney World), Service Design (The Hotel Monaco), Managing Inventory, JIT (McDonald's Style), Manufacturing Processes.
Introduction to Human Resources Practices (Course Z200, Indiana University)
- HR Video Lectures (13 lectures)
Lecture topics:
1: Introduction to the Course. 2: The Changing Workforce, Strategic Human Resources. 3: The Legal Environment of Human Resources Management. 4: Job Analysis & Job Design, Safety in the Workplace. 5: Human Resources Planning & Recruitment. 6: Employee Selection. 7: Employee Training. 8: Performance Management. 9: Employee Development. 10: Employee Retention & Discipline. 11: Compensation Programs. 12: Employee Incentives. 13: Employee Benefits.
Please see Indiana University Multimedia Distribution System (Broadband quality or Modem quality) for more video lectures in Communication (Course C108), Economics (Courses E101, E201, E270), English language (Course L380 - Comics in American Culture; Course L390 - Children's Literature; Course W251 - Manage Your Writing), French language (Course F117 & F118), Spanish language (Course S117 - Introduction to Spanish), and Geology (Course G130 - Glaciers and Glaciation).
Dynamic Leadership: Using Improvisation in Business (MIT, Course 15.969)
Course description:
An overview of performing improvisation with introductory and advanced exercises in the techniques of improvisation. Applying these concepts in business situations to practice and master these improvisation tools in leadership learning.
Note: only two video lectures are available: Introduction of Leadership Learning from Improvisation and Workplace Scenarios and 'Being the Leader'.
How to Develop "Breakthrough" Products and Services (MIT, Course 15.356)
Course description:
To prosper, firms must develop major product and service innovations. Often, though, they don't know how. Recent research into the innovation process has made it possible to develop "breakthroughs" systematically. This course presents several practical concept development methods, such as the "Lead User Method," where manufacturers learn from innovative customers. Expert guest speakers present case studies that show the "art" required to implement a concept development method.
Organizational Leadership and Teamwork (Course Ind Eng 171, UC Berkeley)
Course description:
Qualitative management principles and techniques used to maximize labor productivity, employee satisfaction, and organizational performance in work settings. Topics covered include job attitudes, person-job fit, worker motivation, leadership, organizational culture, technology and innovation management, communication, groups and teams, decision-making, and power and influence.
International Business (Course MGMT 491, New Jersey Institute of Technology)
Lecture topics:
The globalization of the business environment. Politics, institutions and International Business. Culture, Ethics, Religion: their effects on consumption patterns, employment and legal regimes. Government and strategic responses of international business. Protectionism and culture. The theory of trade and the Ricardian Model. Distributive effects trade. Government intervention: tariffs, quotas, and other devices. The clustering of business. Trade politics and institutions. GATT, US trade law, protectionism. Market opening measures and industrial policy. MNC strategies, risk and rewards. Growth and Competition. Foreight Direct Investment (FDI) as another form of global competition. Strategic expansion of MNCs. International Product Cycle. Regionalization, Sourcing, International Marketing. Financial Institutions, Global Monetary System, Foreign Exchange, Financial Flows & Capital Markets. Determination exchange rates: Interest rate parity and Purchasing power parity. Intervention FX markets. Real exchange rates. EMS and coordinating national policies; Translation and accounting exposures. Economic exposures and global operations. Managing and hedging FX risks using derivatives. National regulatory and tax differences. Tax-arbitrage and transfer pricing. International Monetary Systems: Fixed & floating exchange rate regimes, Breakdown Bretton Woods. International Business Strategies: Core Competencies, Organizational Structures and Global Expansion. Entering Foreign Markets. Using trade, investment, finance, strategic alliances, acquisitions, joint ventures, sourcing, political economy, human resources, and technology to achieve a competitive advantage globally. International Business Strategies: Global Marketing and Product Development.
Information Technology, Business and Law (Course MGMT 688, New Jersey Institute of Technology)
Short course description:
Includes historical and constitutional foundations, crimes, and torts in cyberspace, virtual property (patents online, copyrights in digital information, trade secrets in cyberspace, and cybermarks), electronic commerce contracting, electronic commerce, electronic money and the law, and information technology and online infringement of rights of intellectual property.
Strategic Management (Course MGMT 69, New Jersey Institute of Technology)
Short course description:
Integration of the functional areas in management providing a top management perspective to the role of chief executive in an organization; strategy formulation and implementation; and ethical issues related to corporate strategies.
Project Management (Course EM 636, New Jersey Institute of Technology)
Short course description:
Introduction to concepts of project management and techniques for planning and controlling of resources to accomplish specific project goals. While the focus is on technically oriented projects, the principles discussed are applicable to the management of any project. Topics include time, cost considerations, cash flow forecasting, financial and performance control, documentation.
Legal and Ethical Issues of Management (Course MGMT 691, New Jersey Institute of Technology)
Short course description:
Explores the legal and ethical responsibilities of managers. Analyzes extent to which shareholders should be allowed to exercise their legitimate economic, legal, and ethical claims on corporate managers; extent of regulation of a particular industry, individual rights of the employee and various corporate interests, and corporate responsibility to consumers, society, and conservation of natural resources and the environment.
Management of Telecommunications (Course MIS 635, New Jersey Institute of Technology)
Short course description:
A comprehensive review of current trends in telecommunications with an emphasis on the techniques required by non-technically trained managers to deal with hardware, software, and human interfaces. Specific areas to be covered include the types of telecommunication networks, common network operating systems, and network design strategies.
Managing Technological and Organizational Change (Course HRM 630, New Jersey Institute of Technology)
Short course description:
Managing planned and unplanned change in organizations. The change process is studied in relation to technology-driven changes in the workplace and to other environmental factors. Focuses on planned and unplanned systemic change, such as downsizing, re-engineering, mergers, and acquisitions.
Accounting Video Lectures (Western Kentucky University)
Course topics:
Corporate Governance, External Auditors, Ethics, Greetings, International Corporate Governance, Sarbanes-Oxley Act, Internal Audit Fraud, SAS99.
(On the same page you will also find Management, English Literature, Consumer and Family Sciences, Social Work, History, Chemistry, Math, Architect & Manufacturing Sciences, Engineering, and Communication Disorders video lectures and podcasts!)
Business & Management (Nanyang Technological University)
Topics include:
The Asian economic crisis. Bosnia - Herzegovina War and enterprise. Core and periphery in the European monetary union: A cluster analysis. Don Russell. Emerging issues in the world economy. Entrepreneurial approach to corporate management. Financially correct with Ben Stein. Foundations of wage guidelines in Singapore. How do young firms choose among different modes of investor communications?. Interviews with: Benson Ong & Katherine Wong, Ichigo (Ishee) Umehara, Roger Koch, Steve Halliday and Lisa Mosher, Lyndall De Macro & Chong Kwan Wai, Mark Allvey, Wong Hong Pinn & Adeline Sang, Peter Chiu & Jonathan Badman, Steven Hicks. Managing for excellence: Strategic systems audits, Accountancy educational innovations-project discovery, Organizational legitimacy and corporate social reporting-contradicotry irish evidence, Virtual management of international project. Passage of law. Singapore's legal system. Preserving entrepreneurship in large-size companies. SEARCC '99 : managing (with) knowledge. Theoretical analysis of communication in agencies. Theoretical analysis of the relations between market values and accounting. Toward a global theory of underdevelopment & development.
Bonus lecture from Indiana University:
The Courts and Legal System (Course L100)
Course topics:
1: Course Introduction, The Courts & Legal System (Introduction, The Court System, The Legal System). 2: Sources of the Law, Their Hierarchy, & Interplay (Constitutional Law, 1st Amendment Rights, Statutory & Common Law). 3: Tort Law: Overview of Torts, Intentional Torts & No-Fault Torts (Overview of Torts, Liability without Fault, Compensation & Relief for Torts). 4: Tort Law 2: Negligence (Introduction to Personal Injury Practice, Types of Negligence Cases, A Civil Rights Case: Police Brutality). 5: Contract Law (Formation, Interpretation & Non-Performance, Breach, Remedies & UCC). 6: Criminal Law Overview (Elements of Crime, Common Offenses, Constitutional Protections). 7: Criminal Law (Chapter 7 Liquidations). 8: Family Law 1 (Divorce, Custody, Support & Maintenance, Paternity). 9: Family Law 2 (Adoption, Marriage, Intact Family Issues). 10: Real Estate - Interests in Land (Interests in Real Property, Transfers of Real Estate, Leasing & Condominiums). 11: Estates Law (Intestate Succession, Testamentary Succession, Trusts). 12: Business Entities (Sole Proprietorships & Partnerships, Corporations, Dealing with Corporations). 13: Worker's Compensation (Chapter 13 Reorganization, Tour of Bankruptcy Court, Question & Answer Session). 14: Employment Law (Introduction to Employment Laws, Employee "Protection" Laws, Employees' Right to Organize). 15: Bankruptcy Law (Overview, Steps in Declaring Bankruptcy). 16: Bankruptcy Process (Reorganization, Tour of Bankruptcy Court, Question & Answer Session).
Bonus 2: Business & Management Video Lectures from Boston College!
Have fun watching these lectures! Until next time :)
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